GT's why the dislike ?

Yeah, it's just personal taste.

Citrus man myself as that was my first proper MTB and I've stuck with Oranges ever since. Even Mrs A rides a C16R!

Having said that, I've got a Kona build on the go which I'm quite excited about, and they never did it for me BITD. (More excited about the E3 build though!)

Don't get that excited about Yeti/Fat Chance, although I can see that they're nice bikes. I think it's cos BITD they were way out of my reach so never really paid them much attention.

You can find a hater for everything on here even elite makers/brands, but you can also find fans

To be honest when I read an 'I hate ALL such and such...' in a comment somewhere, I don't give it a second thought

Most brands that have made commodity bikes so get sneered at have such a long history/wide range that a comment like that is largely meaningless anyway

*shrug* such are folk!
Sometimes ya just gotta ride one to appreciate a GT. Ride a well stocked Zaskar or better and it would be hard not to want to add one to the collection
Yeah, have to say a Xizang would be a nice addition to my collection, but using both my kidneys at the moment!
Up until January I was ambivalent towards the brand (and truly disliked all their thermos - too flexy). Today I have 4 of them. Go figure.
It might sound funny considering what I ride, but I'd place a Ti Phoenix, Dean Colonel and Kona King Kahuna above the Xizang on looks alone. however I haven't ridden any of those bikes, and I can tell you the Xizang makes me feel superhuman on singletrack. it's not just the high end bikes either - the extra 5 pounds my Karakoram weighed didn't seem like a hindrance at the time - I loved riding that bike.

For me there is also the BMX connection, I wanted a pro-series so badly BITD, I'd still love a 26" cruiser, maybe when I win the lottery.
Probably the same reason you take every opportunity to tell us you hate Specialized. A personal taste thing.
Hans Rey :) , was a big influence on me BITD, watched his Level Vibes video over and over, liked the hardcore image of the Zaskar, remember a GT add in MBA with Hans riding off a cliff, went out in 94 and bought a new Zaskar LE frame (in purple), sold it a couple of years later, currently own a Polished 94 Zaskar bought last year.

Also Nocolas Vouilloz, Mike King, etc riding the GT LTS DH in the later 90's, lusted after one of those back then bought one in 2000, kept it eight years.

Like LGF it's mainly the Zaskar for me, though found myself drooling over Psyclones (and Cyclones), Bravado LE, Xziang, RTS, LOBO etc.