funny thing happen today


Dirt Disciple
I am not certain but I believe I saw a stolen bike for sale. I was told it was built up all original. Well, it actually seems like two bikes put together. What I mean is that it is an older frame with many newer components. "Owner" also seems to have unearthed it after years of hiding since it had rust on all the bolts and bits. I always felt it was bad Karma to be around a stolen bike but then again if I don't buy it then what will become of it. Im not sure what to do on this one. Work out a deal on the bike or let it go?
unless hes just a guy that knows nothing about bikes? if your sure shop him they wont ever do anything and you can buy it on ebay later this year im sure. Its a sad thing that im sure many of us have stolen parts on our bikes bought through ebay!
not much help

Im not sure how it is in the UK but here in the states it next to impossible for me to find a police officer that is willing to spend time investigating this. As far as I know the only way you can tell if its stolen is by the serial number, which I do not have. Also, where do I go to find out if its stolen once I have the serial number. I do not think going to the police is an option for me, if I am wrong then it would be a huge issue.
It's pretty much the same in the uk, it's as though that's what you have insurance for, although they never give you the value of the bike (and will weasel out of paying anything if they can).

You could buy the bike and post the make/model/serial no. here.
At least if someone goes looking for their old bike they can find it's being looked after.
Plus if you get a receipt from the shifty seller, you could ask the original owner to re-imburse you for your outlay if they are desperate for it back. The fact you raised the question here shows you have a conscience.

I had my own pride and joy stolen and part of me hopes that it is still a complete and happy bike plodding around somewhere. I'll probably never know. sniff.
reading your original post through again i think you are paranoid! it doesnt sound to me like there's any obvious signs its been nicked. is the frame number intact? is it $5000 bike for $20?