1950(ish) HWE Rex Klunker...thing

I am on the look out for something similar to Rex :) Have come close a couple of times, but most similar frames I have found so far are huge (for me anyway :) )

Love to see that it is a rider for you, Plus you'll really notice how light your other bikes are!! :D

This has been my favourite BOTM winner on here for some time...It'll be up for BOTY in a few months too!!
Thanks for the positive feedback, it makes my day.

I recently found another bike that would serve as a base.


I don't know if there were different frame sizes back then or if you could just adjust the saddle height and thus the frame length.
Thanks for the positive feedback, it makes my day.

I recently found another bike that would serve as a base.

View attachment 884985

I don't know if there were different frame sizes back then or if you could just adjust the saddle height and thus the frame length.
I think in general, it was customary to ride bigger frames in that era. I remember my Dad talking about shortening seat tubes and rewelding 30's and 40's frames to make what he called 'Scramblers' for off-road riding in the 50's (He was 172cm like me so short, but not drastically short :LOL: )