1950(ish) HWE Rex Klunker...thing

I got up at klunk o'clock this morning and went for a spin on the tank. This must be what climbing Everest feels like...
You work for months towards this moment, you have to acclimatise during the ascent, on the last stage at the latest you are pushed to your limits and strain your body to the extreme, you can no longer feel your legs, everything hurts, your breath tastes of blood, you can no longer think clearly because your brain is not getting enough oxygen, then you stand on the summit and look down on the world below you from the highest point, you have made it and now hope not to die on the descent....
And if you survive, you can brag about it on the internet.

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Yepp, that's definitely my little Everest in the morning, hauling a 36lb bike and and backpack full of office clothes and coffee up a 1.676ft hill... Man I am so not fit 🤣
BOTM now? It's the winner in my eyes.

It is indeed. Absolutely unique, superbly thought out, and executed. It is so far off any catalogue spec. thoughtless copy and paste, and will appeal to everyone who appreciates the individual hard work and ethos of re-purpose from mixed periods and the real riding deal.

The end result always counts, and it is simply sublime and well presented in my eyes.