Friday night is nightride night!

lol looking forward to it. dry all week, trails hopefully riding braw.

me and OCP got a couple of new surprises as well.

Thought there was something familiar about TK, was he in first Jurassic Park film?


Saw him, TK, on news recently and he was surrounded with computer screens then. :mrgreen:

Meant to say, was in Blairadam this evening, with the chainsaw :shock: , to remove a tree that had fallen and was blocking the other side of bridge near start of 2nd trail down from top car park. Removed a few other bits if tree hanging over the start of this trail as well that would gie ye a smack in the pus.

See yez the morra.
so this friday we talked about doing Pitmedden on Friday night as an afterwork de-stress ride.

aim for 7pm at the clink.

slight prob for me is that i got my stitches out today and got a row as they've not healed fully as I've still being playing squash and biking so not resting. I may get told no biking by the doc on friday but will hopefully be ok.

anybody fancy it ?
zigzag":2cbpl857 said:
Bah, can't make it - 6pm dinner date in Bo'ness.

Better hope the wife doesn't find out :shock:

Keith - may be good for this, will see Thursday.