Feb 2008 BoTM - Another Announcement

I hope that thread isn't a sign of things to come. I've quite enjoyed this site because it didn't seem to suffer from the negativity and crap that plagues other bike sites.

As you rightly point out until this incident we have had very little negativity on this site and generally people will accept criticism if it is reasonable and constructive.

We have never defined 'Retro' as such, what classifies as retro is a personal thing and we have had some excellent debates on the topic without any slanging matches being started. The whole 'can a DH bike be considered retro' is something that could be discussed for hours and we never look to censor peoples opinions as long as they back them up with reasoned debate..

I don't want to dwell on the individual who was banned, as it was really not about the comments made by others on the thread that caused the thread to be pulled, but the stuff he came out with that will remain between him and the admin of this site..

All i would like to say is that since this incident the reaction of you guys has been exactly as we would expect, disappointed that it happened to a really great forum and lets hope it doesn't happen again.

Anthony":33ihho2n said:
In his thread on STW complaining about Retrobike, he was basically saying he couldn't understand why he had been banned as he hadn't done anything wrong. i.e., his bike was obviously the best, so he was just doing everybody a favour by multiple voting as it would ensure the right result. Seems pretty lame to me. I think John did absolutely the right thing.

I now understand that I was wrong to assume that the person who posted on STW was the multiple-voter, so I got the wrong end of the stick. My apologies.
John":3n7gkedm said:
speedplay":3n7gkedm said:

That was the one. He got caught up in things whilst spending 3 hours of my Sunday evening trying to track down the multiple IDs. Just to confirm he isn't our GT owning friend. Shame he chose to post in that way on stw (along with another site member) but there you go.

Oh John, you really know how to have a great time at the weekend..... :LOL: :roll:
John":1k9omwy0 said:
Shame he chose to post in that way on stw (along with another site member) but there you go.

Shame that people got banned without any explanation, but there you go.....


Glad it's all sorted out! :D
this site still rocks even when people try to do stupid things in the year that ive be trapped here :LOL: :LOL: buying and adding to my collection then selling it all when the bills come in :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: we have only ever had two problems one was deore 2(that was sorted quickly ish :evil: ) and this one thats better than other sites that have loads every day, and slightly mad individuals like myself are always welcome here to chat about the good old days with FRIENDS and COMPLIMENTS about are achivments (minus jez with my trailstar as he's just jelous :LOL: ) and help with advice on fixing and and sourceing those old parts you desire greatly until we end up like stw (that ain't gonna happen) this will be the best bike site ever online. :cool: :D :cool: :D
cannondale king":3dmi8pg3 said:
this site still rocks even when people try to do stupid things in the year that ive be trapped here :LOL: :LOL: buying and adding to my collection then selling it all when the bills come in :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: we have only ever had two problems one was deore 2(that was sorted quickly ish :evil: ) and this one thats better than other sites that have loads every day, and slightly mad individuals like myself are always welcome here to chat about the good old days with FRIENDS and COMPLIMENTS about are achivments (minus jez with my trailstar as he's just jelous :LOL: ) and help with advice on fixing and and sourceing those old parts you desire greatly until we end up like stw (that ain't gonna happen) this will be the best bike site ever online. :cool: :D :cool: :D

Here, here.

Glad that things are back on an even keel. Stuff like this also goes to show how much work Jon and the mods put in behind the scenery. Huge thanks to all you guys and god bless all who sail on the good ship RetroBike!

Its all good on RETROBIKE in my oppinion..

Were all nice to each other because we share ONE common interest, OLD BIKES.. ;)

I think, this is the case..

Ive certainly made some good friends and been helped & helped others with bike related stuff..

Keep it up RETROBIKE :D
I cant compare Retrobike to any other site, because I havent looked at any other site.

I found Retrobike by accident, I like it here, so I have no intention of looking elsewhere :D