Ebay "auction" site

And what a tempting and magnificent button it was made to seem! I asked Gemini to write me a 50 word advert for a shirt button in the style of Sex Pistols' lyrics and got this: 'GOD SAVE THE QUEEN'S KNICKERS! This ain't no safety pin, it's a BUTTON! Keeps your rags from revealin' all. Sew it on, you slob. One button, one revolution. BUY IT OR ROT!' I guess it shows that, just as a positive multiplied by a negative produces a negative, the product of artificial intelligence and human stupidity is stupidity. 🤷‍♂️
Apologies there guys, I was involved in a major motorbike accident some years ago thanks to someone jumping a red light my Gixer750 was snapped in two, I woke up in hospital with no memory at all, I didnt even recognise the people in my room who were my family and ex GF, ive suffered all my life with mental health to the point a few years ago whilst in my 40s I was forced to retire, so that accident didnt help so I do tend to go off subject and astray, sorry about that.
Hey @Grabster we are wandering off topic together.
I refer back to the thread title before posting sometimes to help keep me on the rails, but if we didn't diverge we'd end up with nothing to say.

Sometimes I'll cut my post, and open a new topic to paste it, might even be in the general&off topic section.
As the OP, I don't care where it goes, so hopefully nobody else does! But them I'm AI* and its all a learning experience.

* Age-related Incompetent
Must admit I don't use Ebay much these day's as a buyer.

FB Marketplace is great for bargains and even rare stuff, but you have to be prepared to sometimes really bend over backwards to buy something from someone (working around their agenda, chasing up etc - ridiculous really!).

Back to Ebay, I've done ok recently selling a couple of items (a bike, and a guitar amp), but I think that's more to do with the fact that they were both fairly low cost, and cheaper than the same / similar items listed (a few dreamers), because I genuinely wanted to sell them and make the room. Lots of watchers who clearly had no intentions of purchasing. Just got to wait it out, if it's the right price, it'll usually sell within a month I find.

My favourite way to buy bike parts these days is a jumble. Everyone is always so friendly, you can inspect the item, chat about it, perhaps a little haggling. Wonderful. I just make a list of things I need before going and aim to stick to it (yeh right!). But I'm quite lucky in that there are at least 3 x bike jumbles fairly locally, often twice a year.