The future of (my) cycling?

I totally get the OP. Zwift has changed the way that I ride, all for the better.

Certainly at this time of year, having the option to hop on a bike and spend a couple of hours spinning the pedals indoors is worth its weight in gold. Come the finer weather I’m leaner, fitter and faster as a result of a winter on Zwift and as a result, summer rides are more enjoyable.

Zwift is incredibly realistic from an effort point of view and the structured workouts allow you to target very specific goals. Group rides tend to be social and fun!

So far this year I’ve ridden over 1100 miles and it’s about a 50/50 split between Zwift and real life. As the days lengthen and the weather warms, I’ll ride outdoors more.

Given the animosity experienced by some riders from drivers, I fully understand why they might choose to ride on Zwift full time but that’s not how I personally use it.
In September last year I had a collision with a car that pulled out of a side road when I was about 10-15 metres away going at 19 mph or thereabouts. I stopped the bike but not me and I went head first into their car. The driver appears in court soon. Out for a while then awake but unaware for about 5 hours no recollection of the crash or aftermath. Captured on CCTV by the local shop. I also sustained a few other injuries broken rib broken tooth, bruising and my hip and knee hurt. I now need a new hip mostly arthritis some crash damage. It means riding a bike is painful so I have been off the bike more or less since the crash. I did do three little rides after it but they were painful. The static bike is painful too. I cannot wait to get a new hip and get back on the road. Fortunately that is happening in July. I currently have three Carlton bicycles that look at me forlornly each morning saying today? Personally most of the time I have found drivers to be fine, I cannot seem to get into cycling on the static bike it was always a poor substitute for the road as far as I am concerned. Thank you for the thread enjoyed the read.
I've been smashing out on a turbo trainer since the late 90s. I've never worn a tyre out on the road but a good few on the trainer. Always hunting a personal best, no screens and for most of that time no music, just me on a bike strapped to a HRM and the trainer, outside! I tried inside and you heat up way too quickly.

I took early retirement 1 day before my 56th birthday and haven't been on the trainer since. Bicycles are still my main form of transport but now I have the time I use swimming for my basic fitness.

Last November I started to use the Bosch E Bike I purchased in 2017 for all my rides! I fear that the Orange Clockwork dream bike with XTR I spent years saving for & building is now an ornament. The Orange 5 I dreamt about so long is now broken down and for sale after less than 5 miles since I built it.

I won't go back to any form of turbo trainer now, swimming just feels more suitable for me, and safer! I hope I will get my Clockwork out when the weather picks up. I have to say though this winter, my 60th winter, the eBike has finally come to the front and proven it's worth. It's outside the pub now, waiting to take me home :)


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In September last year I had a collision with a car that pulled out of a side road when I was about 10-15 metres away going at 19 mph or thereabouts. I stopped the bike but not me and I went head first into their car. The driver appears in court soon. Out for a while then awake but unaware for about 5 hours no recollection of the crash or aftermath. Captured on CCTV by the local shop. I also sustained a few other injuries broken rib broken tooth, bruising and my hip and knee hurt. I now need a new hip mostly arthritis some crash damage. It means riding a bike is painful so I have been off the bike more or less since the crash. I did do three little rides after it but they were painful. The static bike is painful too. I cannot wait to get a new hip and get back on the road. Fortunately that is happening in July. I currently have three Carlton bicycles that look at me forlornly each morning saying today? Personally most of the time I have found drivers to be fine, I cannot seem to get into cycling on the static bike it was always a poor substitute for the road as far as I am concerned. Thank you for the thread enjoyed the read.
Sorry to hear about your accident, I had similar last summer and the police prosecuted the driver with his own dashcam footage. The bones are sorted but the ligaments take some time to heal. Hang in there.