Carlos Santana


Did you hear about the cheese maker who painted his wife not once but twice?

He double glossed her.

During the extremely cold weather at the beginning of the year, my pet hamster died. I was so attached to the rodent that I decided to have him preserved in formaldehyde. I placed him in a jam jar on my kitchen windowsill and with a tear, poured in the liquid, preserving him for posterity.

Sadly, i forgot to tell Mrs Hm about this and on finding the jar containing Eric, who had now decomposed to form a jelly-like substance, and thinking it to be a suitable accompaniment, placed it in the fridge, spreading Eric's remains on her toast the next morning. Finding it to be somewhat unpleasant, she emptied the jar in the garden before recycling it.

As the weather warmed and the seasons changed the spot in the garden where Eric had been deposited began to sprout previously unseen flowers. Flowers of such startling beauty that I picked them and placed them in a vase on the kitchen window sill. Eventually they wilted and were thrown away at which point Mrs Hm suggested i get some more.

In reply, I said...

"When it's spring again, i'll bring again, tulips from hamster jam."

They never stop you know..............
2 ships have collided in the English channel. one carrying red dye, one carrying purple dye.
latest update, both ships have become marooned.
Ti-guy":3mcphgv2 said:
2 ships have collided in the English channel. one carrying red dye, one carrying purple dye.
latest update, both ships have become marooned.

Nice but needs crafting to really appall. :lol: