Car driver tried to knock me off my bike today!

What gets me is the driver said he rides a bike too!!!!!!!! Why on earth would you do a punishment pass to me then I asked ?

A statement which sticks in my mind from him...

''Look at you, you fat bastard, you are an embarrassment to the cycling community, and you haven't even got a real bike, what you need to do when you get home is to take off your top & leggings and burn them on the garden and whilst you are at it burn the bike too''

I gotta ask-What happened to your two mates when the guy was thumping you? Did they just stand there and let it happen? If someone jumped on one of my friends while I was there, I'd definitely join in defending him...

Moral of the story?
Provocation, insults and rage are rarely the solution, on either side. Discretion being the better part of valour and all that..
Waste of police time really isn't it?
He has blatantly commited an assault with battery (as he actually hit you) and provocation is no defence. If your injuries are consistent with the battery then you are perectly entitled to have him charged. The witnesses just add creedence. Res Ipsa Loquitor...........The downside is that you commited criminal damage, an action for which you will be charged too................ Depends on how keen you are to nail him?

Hope the injuries get better and you are back on the bike soon

FairfaxPat":1g827ij4 said:
I gotta ask-What happened to your two mates when the guy was thumping you? Did they just stand there and let it happen? If someone jumped on one of my friends while I was there, I'd definitely join in defending him...
My two mates did **** all! wasn't happy with them at all and everyone just stood about whilst this nutter pinned me down, thumping me.

RadNomad":1g827ij4 said:
Waste of police time really isn't it?
It is to a point, but how many more motorist get away with endangering cyclists lives by their blatant attitude of the road is mine and not a cyclist.

Midlife":1g827ij4 said:
The downside is that you commited criminal damage, an action for which you will be charged too................ Depends on how keen you are to nail him? Shaun
Shaun, I never intended to hit his car in the first place but to use it as a deterrent which worked for a time and he backed off and he was shouting out of his car window 'go on fatty - pedal faster fatty -fatty - pedal faster fatty' but when he came at me with his car and pushed me into the edge of the kerb, I felt really threatened and this is when I lashed out on his car because he was inch or so from me. His wife was also a nutter too! God help the off spring.

Having trouble swallowing or eating so may go back to the doctors again, though I doubt they can do anything.

Ian Raleigh":le8tksyy said:
''Look at you, you fat bastard, you are an embarrassment to the cycling community

Eh ? I wasn't even there ! :LOL:

Don't give up riding because of some lunatic, I've had the odd punishment pass myself and its bang out of order, I'd get legal advice about pursuing the driver through the court system, its certainly driving in a dangerous manner ! shame you never had your camera with you, imagine how many hits you would get on youtube with the wife falling out the car ! :D
Has anyone on this forum ever dealt with the CTC over a claim or help ?

I'm a member and have insurance with the Cyclist Touring Club and told them about everything, they said nothing can be done until I hear back from the police, when I get updated by the police I'm to ring a number the CTC supplied me, then I will be directed to a solicitor who will then offer me more advice and take on my case if needs be.

It all sounds a bit nuts. Hope you are soon feeling less traumatised.

Like we all do, I occasionally get yelled at by passing idiots, usually those stuck in traffic who I have had the sheer audacity to overtake.

I have a last laugh, as I am deaf in my right ear and even with my hearing aid in I usually can't hear what they are ranting about, so I just give them a blank look, or at best a bemused smile. Either way it seems too wind the stressy driver up even more.

Riding with my son the other day on a lovely sunny Bank Holiday Monday morning; big wide quiet road near Chew Valley Lake. A car approaching from behind decided that we were breaking one of his Highway Code rules, as we were riding in a staggered sort of a two abreast kind of way (my front wheel alongside his back wheel), and so he blew his horn from about ten yards behind us to about the same in front.

I don't think he got the reaction he was expecting, as we both just pointed at the car (no rude hand gestures) and burst out laughing.

It's a jungle out there!

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