Are the Cool Wall topics too generic??


Senior Retro Guru
Looking through some of the recent cool wall topics, I'm wondering if some of the topics as just a bit too general.

Some obviously are general with intent ie is a brand as a whole cool, but others are a little too inclusive as they can contain something really nice, with the biggest load of crap known to mankind.

Looking at the coolwall things seem to be more stacked to the cool side so maybe a few specific items are in order from time to time.

I.e Rather than is Rock Shox cool, Is the Mag 21 cool?
Or are Hyperlite bars cool?

Anyway this is intended to start conversation rather than being crtical of the past topics.

What are peoples opinions? I know there are lots to be found here ;)
Yeah I agree...

sometimes some of the companies metioned arn't particularly cool, but some of the stuff they make is uber cool...
I agree. Especially if it's in the spirit of Top Gear. They have had debates where, for example the Ferrari 430 is considered cool while the 612 Scaglietti is very not cool. Ferrari as a whole would probably be considered cool but every manufacturer has their "dogs" and it seems better to debate the merits of individual pieces as such.
i agree. When Raleigh went onto the chopping block i had to hold my tongue. My favorite possession is my 94 Raleigh Tomac signature series Mti1000 and while i knew it had historical value and "cool" factor i knew inside that Raleigh overall has turned to the "uncool" side of things. so did that make MY Bike uncool? not to me, but the umbrella of Raleigh being uncool seems to have an unfair effect on these moments of greatness.

Fair and correct comments. Agree too. Like i uncool for Marin BUT the Marin Team ti would be cool.
The topics have been deliberately generic thus far. The debate is better if opinion is split which is of course more easily done with a wide subject ;) . However point taken, will start having more 'focussed' selections along with the generic.
I reckon its been a good format. Just because say Raleigh produces one cool bike does that excuse the rest of the crap? This is what the voter needs to decide and the champions and put down merchants have to argue.

If you go anymore specific and to use your examples who is going to vote Mag21's and Hyperlites uncool? Oh I know someone will but the vote will be similar to the thumbie one just now.
And would the 'discussions' be quite as lively? :D