Anyone keen on a Beater type build off?

legrandefromage":3a5so9nj said:
As long as its not a beat off, I'll go down the tip and see whats what.

I'll leave the Beat off to the individuals! ? Lol

I think we will use this thread to nut out details and when we are ready I will start a new thread.
Even though they are not beautiful bikes it is a bit of fun and I am surprised on how well some of these bikes ride, had one a Giant full Altus A20, relubed it trued the wheels replaced really brake and der cables, recycled the rears into fronts, got some cheap assed 2nd hand tyres and rode it heaps, gave the bike to a friend's son for school, he loves it, we have tickled it up a bit more for him.
So these bikes can get reused.

I think rust is a must though Lads
I am going to say £30 as that makes it $51 in New Zealand dollars, stuff here is a lot more expensive than it is in England/Europe/USA
Keeping in mind lads the bike you get may need a chain, cones, tyres, tubes etc, I am thinking that people will buy an unrideable bike and get it going.
Bicycle Addict":2kwjwha5 said:
I am going to say £30 as that makes it $51 in New Zealand dollars, stuff here is a lot more expensive than it is in England/Europe/USA

True that, although I picked up a 02 rocky mountain soul for $10 last year that'll probably meet the criteria.
redzephyr":34vwpdk9 said:
Bicycle Addict":34vwpdk9 said:
I am going to say £30 as that makes it $51 in New Zealand dollars, stuff here is a lot more expensive than it is in England/Europe/USA

True that, although I picked up a 02 rocky mountain soul for $10 last year that'll probably meet the criteria.

Ha!! Tin ass.
02 Rocky for $10?? Stolen??
Just kidding, is it rusty/near dead, basically are you going to need a tetanus shot before working on it?

Yeah did have to drive 2hrs to Hamilton to pick it up tho! Previous owner had brought it back from canada. Had been stored outside...definitely rusted... not patina.
I'd suggest that for that sort of budget, it should be ridden as is, without being touched (except adjustments, and making the brakes work).

I could easy find a bike for £30, then chain, cables, brake pads, grips etc. etc. the budget is then blown.

£30, fix the brakes, ride it 100 miles. Challenge set!

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