And today I did......

Ah well deadline reached and I didn't get a thing done on my bike, was building and painting a desk for mK's new PC, had do do some family visits too - now sitting in work sorting stuff for a deadline tomorrow.

Do you think the 3 brethern would be ok on a carbon forked road bike? :D
me cousins up for a few days with her family
so my daughter decides that they are all going to bongo bears play park thing , so off the lot go leaving me and tony (her hubby) home alone

wanna go mountain biking i suggest
yeah i'll try anything once he says
so after a brief run down of gears /brakes etc off we go
i thought we'll head down the town park , its safe and fun
the first bit of dirt we hit i stop and show him a few pointers about
bike handling and contol then follow him down the next bit
the blokes a natural , so we head off dowm a trickier bit , no bother
so at the end of it i stop , he comes rattling round the corner and skids to a halt ,then it all goes horribly wrong
he steps off the wrong side of the bike ,looses his footing and falls about
15 feet into the river , sliding down the bank and stopping when he hits a
large rock , with his shoulder , cartwheels over it and into the river
any way we got home we had only been out 10 minuites or so
he hadn't broken anything , but bruised ribs several cuts and bruises on both legs arms cheek and his back

they all returned about an hour later
i'm not too popular at the moment
t'was funny tho
mikee":4mf8fyob said:
t'was funny tho

Hope he's no too hurt and put off mountain biking forever.
Did he hurt yer bike?

Years ago, me, my best mate, his work colleague and colleague's cousin all decided we'd go for a weekend "wild" camping with various clutter including big chibs, air rifles, a canoe and most important of all... a feck off big cairry-oot. Stopped-off at several hostelries on way but work colleague wis driving, his car, so he wisnae allowed a drink till we reached our destination.
Which was a wee spot on old road at side of Loch Garry up past Fort William.

Got there and the pissed 3 started to put up tents at side of old road using headlights and torches to see what we were doing.
There was a bloodcurdling scream as my mate's colleague decided to run at us, from other side of car, with big chib in hand.
As we turned round going WTF, he just disappeared with an "aaaarrgh" then lots of moaning. We rushed round car, with the benefit of torches, to find him lying about 10 feet below road on rocks at side of loch. There he was illuminated by our torches, moaning , asking for help and all we could do was piss ourselves laughing.
In the dark he hadn't seen that the loch (it was a hydro loch) had eroded the road to within 3 feet of car and as he ran at us intent on scaring us he'd put one foot in hole then the rest of him followed.
It took us a while to stop laughing and get him back up on his feet.

Oh how funny are the misfortunes of others. :roll:
Enrolled in a bikey mechanic course the bike station is running for its volunteers.
And i said i never would :oops:
Takes me to weldtech/velotech gold standard so at least i can thumb my nose at you lesser mortals :D

Who knows,this might lead on to me getting that bug and going for the Cytech as well[though that is really fing expensive :shock:
Sounds good dyna.

I finally got to work on the bike, stripped down the bulleyes and replaced the bearings, reassembled the freewheel, but it does seem a little wobbly so might retry that again tomorrow. I would have replaced it but I can't get it off :oops:

Still to sort the forks out and then that should be enough to get me through saturday.

Was going to build up the p7 but can't get the stem out, soaking in gt 85 now though.
Got home too late to do anything. So the progress so far on the new bike is I've hung the derailleurs on it and fitted the headset.

I'd better hurry up I think. Off to work soon so won't get anything done before this evening.