And today I did......

And I had a go on Mikee's carbon Zaskar very comfy ride
its the sort of bike you'd jump on and feel right at home
straight away, good brakes, light, nippy :)

R :lol:
oi dad ,dont bloody blame me ,one GT ride and your hooked

What a load of codswallop :roll:

GT Pantera rides like my old Alloy Saracen or my old Alloy Rockhopper or my old no name Alloy mtb. The bikes overbuilt, unforgiving and not overly lightweight.

However built up as an SS it works just as well as all the afore mentioned bikes, so with its luminous orange colour its found a place in my stable for the moment :wink:

Riding it about today has left me knackered but happy, SS demands attack riding style :lol:
Did a Billynomates jaunt up to Cadderlie Bothy today - Oh the flashbacks :shock: and haunting voices :shock: :shock:







V humid........up to the end of the track and back, no bats, loadsa midges :P
Shaking off the cold now, so did 27 miles on the road bike avoiding going into the red zone, although I must have stepped it up on the return leg with the wind on my back as my calves are cramping up like mad now.

I'll work it out.

Average speed 16.1mph, which means the outward 14.8 miles at 13.3mph (it was windy!) were made up for by a stirring 22mph average on the way back, my Casio fx83 tells me.

Good to be on the bike again though.
mikee":1oat7q7s said:
cool panda

what size is your orange ?

19" that one is :P and yes some will say its too small for me, but i like it. Same one I had at Dunkeld. Only a pain in the neck on long road rides - so I don't use it on long road rides :D

I think your blue one is just suffering too much clutter at the front - and its not a very good colour. :lol: Although if you change the graphics for black that would help IMHO. God I'm becoming a parka :oops:
Some great photies the day!

Had a wee burl around the Pentlands this afternoon, went in search of the 'Scalextrics' trail, found it, rode it. Basically an overgrown quad track heading north and gradually downhill from the woods at Bonaly Reservoir. Nothing technical, just narrow and overgrown in places. Kind of underwhelmed really. One for the fearless speed merchants I think, but possible safer alternative to the Dreghorn descent of instant death.

Other highlights included smashing into a wall in front of two very nice walkers round the back of Black Hill. Apart from that, weather was great (although a bit windy). Hills were really busy today, including some very nice ladies in lycra :D