And today I did......

today I did feck all, feel like R,ob a bit of a waste of a day. I'm going out the morra for a good run, looking for trails on the moors and decided tonight that I spend to much time on here- so doing a one day on, one day off, experiment to see how bad my problem really is, see you on monday folks, have a good one.
I was going to add to the "it's too small" brigade mikee, I like it but I am projected out just now with 2 on the go at the same time. I need to finish miniKens bike (very close, was doing some today) and get properly stuck into the KHS so it is ready for winter duties.
I'm also doing a flat bar test on the Gazelle as I really want a road bike but just don't like the bars, If I commit to flat bars I'll sell the 105s and get a set of ultegra trigger shifters. I might even put Mary's on it, I can see the roady hardcore crying when it is finished.
I bought this today, I knew I should have gone out :x
Its Mikee's fault.

clockworkgazz":3t2fdiiw said:
might be tempted by the forks if they are for sale and 1 inch?

keeping them gaz
they are at the moment 1 1/8" but were 1" ,i made a steerer for them
I've not done any significant cycling for nearly a week as I have been afflicted by the cold and a sore throat, so am getting a bit stir crazy.

I've got the Kona sorted out with nice EA70 straight bars, front and rear disks (new pads sorted them out), and Bombers so was even contemplating going out tonight in the pishing rain and a steady 25 knot easterly just to do some miles, as my legs muscles are rebelling and cramping due to lack of use.

But instead I sat down with my son, some beer, Doritos, and dip, and watched Luc Besson's stylish 80s classic Subway.

But tomorrow I ride, as the Rousay Lap is next Saturday and I need to avoid being humiliated too much by Orkney's top triathletes who will also be there. It's a 13.1 mile circuit of the island, that I'd hope to do in about 45 minutes at best, but did in 57 minutes last year because of the rank weather, just like today's. I was still second! On a mountain bike! No chance of that this year though, as the ones who poofed out because of the weather last time will likely show up this time. Part-timers...
so today ,i trimmed a bit of my hedge ,those of you that have seen said hedge will appreciate the task involved ,in reality its not so much cutting
it ,tho it is about 15' high its the disopsal of the cuttings
any way thats it started
also looked at ordering another shed ,shed no2 as it will be called will be for complete bikes ,so a 10x7 should do ,this will allow the storage of bits and a
proper work /build area in shed 1 ,as opposed to the garage

spent some time fannying around with project no hope (orange)
and spent some cash on the for sale section in here :roll:

also got 2 punctures in 2 days

so it's puncture season again :evil:
well today after i got home from work i done nothing :( the weather had been crap , it's been teaming down here :shock:

i did buy some kramola foam tho :LOL:

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