And today I did......

Took my red bike for its first spin :D
Only up to the bike shop to arrange servicing for the discs.Its 37/16T and so far thats ok
Still got some oil coming out the seals despite them being newly fitted,but im thinking and hoping its just the excess i lubed them in before tapping them in,i think it should clear up and settle down :?
Teenage grumpy bike staff seemed quite impressed with my efforts and one of them even appeared to be taken by the Z2's buttery smoothness :shock: :lol: :lol:
Stumbled across a CTC meet at Kinghorn Loch :oops:
I was on the Kona had them Smokes hummin on the tarmac
went home on the coastal path, I was goin well today :twisted:
Got yr txt Robmc :D

This afernoon i went out with Panda 4 and two of his 9 year old pals through the woods, only to have them blow me away on the downhill twisties and drops :oops:

Fekkin' mauled them all on the uphills though :twisted: :twisted:

DHder":o9ijiz50 said:
today I got some shivers for the bighit......and realised I think I know big eck.....

i have one of them faces , honest :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i pretty much talk to everyone , so where have we met ? :lol:

your first pic is the same place as here >
