And today I did......

You should V, I was thinking of trading in the roadie for a more do it all bike, steel,hub geared,mudgaurd pannier ready type. But you can't beat a dedicated light weight machine for kicks, as it is I'm now more inclined to upgrade mine to a better spec.
I've started to stray into the retro road pages, there is some nice kit in there, oh dear it could get costly.

Years back I had a Raleigh Dynatech roadbike for a short period before I'd become sold on the drop bar bike idea, wish I'd never sold it now :roll:
IMO to get the most from road cycling you really should go modern. Sure they may not look as good as some of the retro stuff but its all about performance, no point carrying extra weight up the hill unless you need to. Wheels, brakes and frames(especially in your gate size) have all came on in even the last 10 years. A budget modern will bring more smiles than a reasonable retro.
Nearly smacked a guy today . Chap comes in with his sons Gin and Tonic upchucker as the left crank arm had come off and the bolt was long gone . Apparently we had fitted it back on a month or so ago , I'd never seen it before . I think right fair enough someone else had done a crap job . Looked it over and it was ruined , not a come loose and bring it in kind of ruined but a it's loose so I'll carry on riding it ruined :x . Isis too so it was all fooked . Comes back half hour later because today isn't stock day and I wasn't already busy with other peoples shit bikes and wonders why it wasn't done and the tyres he wanted weren't fitted . I start to explain how the damage to the arm wouldn't have left us in that state and he starts moaning . I who was already pissed off at this point due to being there since 8.30 ( I start at 9 and do double my contracted hours ) and having no break all day nearly lost it :lol: I wasn't prepared to touch it as I don't intend to be responsible for what could be dangerous stuff so he asks for a bolt -

" no "
" can I buy a bolt "
" no "
" can I buy a bolt "
" no "
" can I buy a bolt "
" no "
" can I buy a bolt "

A minute later I give in , I could only hold back so far so gave him a bolt .

I also had a phone call today where a chap had bought a cycle computer and while riding it had come off , I say " oh , did we fit it ?? " " no I put it on myself , is there anything you can do ? " ; I then realize it's one of those phone calls where I can't just tell them to fook right off but instead just have to wait for them to stop talking

Oh and we sell reebok bikes now :x while the work experience lad was putting one together someone said were they any good " I wouldn't waste my time hitting it with a hammer "

shh , don't tell anyone but I reckon I'm going to steal the shops spare bottom bracket tap :lol:

I would have bought a shirley steamroller this week but a wisdom tooth is pissing me off so that's going to set that back a bit :( I plan on putting a rack on it and a small pannier , I like the idea of just putting some miles in , i don't care about immense speed so it'll suit me just fine ; ride off to some fields somewhere and eat some sandwich's
Had a crap day ?

Then you need MacRetro 'And today I did...........' where you can let off some steam :D
As recommended by Perry the Halford Mechanic
first post in this thread and its to moan i'm afraid :roll: on nightshift on the rig and couldn't get any sleep due to noisy ignorant tw@ts thumping up and down corridors and banging doors when they're not even supposed to be in the accommodation! rant over and stress gone 8)