And today I did......

kaiser":24u8vc5j said:
Now have two piles of sid bits :roll: no looking good at aw :!:
You need the zigzag '10 yard' SIDs.

1. Buy a cheap pair of Tora Solo Airs when they were on sale.
2. Buy SID stickers for a fiver.

Bish-bash-bosh, a pair of SIDs from 10 yards.
Cunning plan, its certainly an avenue I'll probably not go down but nevertheless thanks for sharing :lol:
therealkw15":1wgwzija said:
Just back from what was meant to be a 12 mile loop, but turned into a 2.5 mile cop out due to hypothermia and the sight of a vast shower coming across the bay.

All my bikes are complete to my satisfaction, but another one seems to be assembling itself like the Terminator T1000 as nice bits from here and eBay accumulate in my office...

I thought hypothermia only happened to old people :?: like the ken and Velo.
Big Eck are you bringing the sanAn to the downhill day? I love the ford orange.

I have had early stage hypothermia 3 times, all in my twenties I might add. Admittedly riding my motorbike to Glasgow in January or submerging myself in Nottingham canal for numerous hours did not help :roll: :oops:
velomaniac":21z0xzna said:
submerging myself in Nottingham canal for numerous hours
Part time canal barge impersonator? Freelance abandonded shopping trolley retrieval? Sounds like there's a tale to be told...