And today I did......

today i ripped the tripple disc progear apart and fitted 1 nice nos non i.s. c2 caliper & lever to the front and decided to make my own right hand side caliper :D




i'll be using the caliper half on the left as the outside , i'll cut the long mount bit off and at the same time i'll cut the mounts off the half on the right to use on the left half (if that makes sence?) then i'll just paint the caliper black to match again :D
Carron Valley yesterday, Glentress today - did Spooky Woods twice. Braw! Am now most definitely digging the Haro, hugely chuckable and thanks to gears and a nice front fork, way faster than the Hardrock.
Today's excitement: A 2CV ablaze on the Bonnybridge/Denny roundabout - not just smoking, full on bonfire. I think the owner lives in the next street up from me. Unfortunately, phone camera was in the boot.

Today's not so excitement: Car meandering drunkenly across the motorway. Another bloody puncture, and yet another nearly new tyre that can't be plugged. :evil:
Got out for an hour on the bike last night but wished I didn't. Had one of those comedy crashes (in front of all the early evening revellers :oops: ) where you almost go over the bars but run along trying to save the bike for 20 yards before falling flat on your face. At one point I must have landed on the stem bolt and now have a huge and rather tender bruise on the inside of my thigh that looks like one of those Photos from the Hubble Telescope of a distant galaxy- its all red black, blue and purple. add to that a nasty cut and a graze down the akle from the pedal and it aquates to quite a sorry sight.
I'm walking like John Wayne today to avoid chaffage of affected areas.

Still I saved the bike though which makes it all OK :wink:
Struggled around Drumlanrig, trying poorly to keep up with Kaiser, my ME was playing up :evil:

GT iDrive was fun though, allowed me to move sufficiently fast to prevent Kai hanging around too much after each section, favoured my sore shoulder too :D

I retired after a black/red combination lap but I left Kaiser to do another 2 laps of the red which he was doing on the Kona single speed 29er :shock:

Thus the rest of my team will have to take up the slack after I drag myself around my only lap at 10UTB, sorry guys :oops:
Only managed one lap after V-lo left, time was pressing to get back hame. Did go for it though, as an idea I had done the red earlier in the year on the Salsa and it took around 1:15/1:17 IIRC, this time on the rigid singlespeed it took 1:07. So that was nice :)

I did convince myself that I needed a new tyre for the Salsa, the couple of punctures at Kirri had me thinking. I wanted a 2.2 race king for the back, fast and fat but alas none in stock. Talking to rik he showed me a twister supersonic which he would do for a deal. Reckoned it could be ideal for the 10 course, even though it was smaller if pressures were right it'd be fine. Settled for a pair which should save me 200g as well as being a wee bit quicker :) this has kick started a weenie mission for the Salsa, I've order some lighter tubes which should save another 200g and I'm going to try to get the SID's operational as the Judys are anchors. I've also ordered a USE shim as I've bought a cosmetically challenged post but again should be a bit lighter. I'll weigh the Salsa stem too as I have a ritchey one(again not the prettiest but a bit lighter.

And yes I realise weight weenie is not rational when you have a fat ass but I can't help myself :o
Just back from what was meant to be a 12 mile loop, but turned into a 2.5 mile cop out due to hypothermia and the sight of a vast shower coming across the bay.

All my bikes are complete to my satisfaction, but another one seems to be assembling itself like the Terminator T1000 as nice bits from here and eBay accumulate in my office...