And today I did......


Completely lost my bike mojo at moment. My plan to get it back is to go back to what started it all for me in the past. Road bike touring/exploring down the back lanes of the Lothians. A bit like Brian's style but without the tarmac avoidance or the spectacular scenery. Dragging a beat up Joe Waugh extra light aluminio roadbike frame out my bike bits junkyard, dressing it with haphazard mix of old kit and just set off somewhere at least once a week. Hopefully by 2021 I might be more enthused. This year has just been to quote Queenie, an annus horribilus :roll:
Re: Re:

Mr Panda":1c2ktcz1 said:
1988 - 1998 :D

For me that was:

40+ Housewives

Happy to be in the Home Counties - Fixated on leaving the Home Counties

With that many angry husbands after you, no wonder you wanted away from there! :lol:
clubby":3havkbuq said:
dyna-ti":3havkbuq said:
No need to pen all that, I though the point on how many changes the industry has made in the last 10 years is astounding.

Been at home all day with a very awake toddler. A bit of debate is a nice change from reading the Wonky Donkey yet again!

Last ten years is no different to any other. Look at 88-98. Cantilevers and u-brakes to v brakes to hydraulic discs. Bolt on hydraulic mounts to Hayes specific mounts to IS mounts. 5 bolt vs 6 bolt rotors. Rigid to suspension forks, and even full suspension. 6 speed screw on to 8 speed cassettes. Riser bars to flat bars and back to riser bars. Mountain biking starting to fracture into xc and dh.

I think actually DH is outski, as I did hear on the grapevine most makers weren't going to field a DH option. More trail than anything, if anything an encompassing of disciplines :?
Admittedly there have been more changews, but what was needed. 6 becomes 7 because 7 was needed really :? or just another idrection to flog us something else.
5 to 6 bolt.
We've went from an alloy carrier to steel to alloy carrier again. They led the public down the path of saying solid steel rotors were better. Now they say the opposite.
And then theres peoples impressions of what theyre getting.
Read a thread on a lyrik damper. Should I get the latest damper ? To be frank, how much difference can that make in real life. Rebound is a smidgen faster, or slower or such. But would you actually notice, or is it just a placebo effect.

All in all there have been many advancements, but far too many if you ask me.
dyna-ti":1z3sr6xj said:
Read a thread on a lyrik damper. Should I get the latest damper ? To be frank, how much difference can that make in real life. Rebound is a smidgen faster, or slower or such. But would you actually notice, or is it just a placebo effect.

Riding through the streets of Glasgow, no.
Out in the mountains where the forks are taking hit after hit, yes. Good (plus properly set up) suspension can be the difference between making it through a section at speed or slowing right down to a crawl.

Certainly more difference than frame material, but I’d bet you’d say you can tell the difference between aluminium and titanium?

dyna-ti":1z3sr6xj said:
All in all there have been many advancements, but far too many if you ask me.

That’s fair enough, but no-one is forcing any of it on you. This site proves you can quite happily ride anything you want.
Nice choice :lol: But shouldn't that be Steel and Ti ?, given the properties of both ti and steel are more flexible than alloy.
Re: Re:

Jamiedyer":1nua9a8g said:
I would go for the Larry V’s Harry Bullitt.
I have been trying to save for the non e version for a while, then sell my Big Dummy. I was looking to pick up a frame in Copenhagen, ferry then ride the Dummy with sidecar and then back.
The Scottish government along with the Energy saving Trust Scotland are giving interest free loans for cargo bikes and e cargo bikes. Great long term deals.
Great Facebook group as well.
So yeah, Bullitt has been on my wish list for a long while so of course my recommendation.


It is nice, and it is very much boutique individual company philosophy which we all like, but Im thinking actual use. Would I take this the 500m to the top of the road, or would I go manual.
Its the shape and position of the carrier. Im maybe more the traditionalist, and the versions like the tern or surly is more 'bike' shaped, and maybe more inclined to use itas the go to rather than one thats unwieldy and difficult to move out the flat, down the narrow close etc.

As such Im now leaning towards the Surly Big easy. Identical to your big dummy only E.
So whats the review of the surly now you've had it all these years ?.
Re: Re:

jimo746":1rz7xd61 said:
Grips! I think they're breeding in the drawer!

I've a Sugino Tension Disc I should probably do something with, but who can build a wheel with this outdated technology these days?

Still available ? Im looking for one in good condition. I pay well