MacRetro Rider
Completely lost my bike mojo at moment. My plan to get it back is to go back to what started it all for me in the past. Road bike touring/exploring down the back lanes of the Lothians. A bit like Brian's style but without the tarmac avoidance or the spectacular scenery. Dragging a beat up Joe Waugh extra light aluminio roadbike frame out my bike bits junkyard, dressing it with haphazard mix of old kit and just set off somewhere at least once a week. Hopefully by 2021 I might be more enthused. This year has just been to quote Queenie, an annus horribilus :roll:
Completely lost my bike mojo at moment. My plan to get it back is to go back to what started it all for me in the past. Road bike touring/exploring down the back lanes of the Lothians. A bit like Brian's style but without the tarmac avoidance or the spectacular scenery. Dragging a beat up Joe Waugh extra light aluminio roadbike frame out my bike bits junkyard, dressing it with haphazard mix of old kit and just set off somewhere at least once a week. Hopefully by 2021 I might be more enthused. This year has just been to quote Queenie, an annus horribilus :roll: