And today I did......


Working today and tomorrow, but the wee man’s chariot arrived today. Hopefully get it fitted on Friday and head out for an unloaded test ride. Forecast for Sunday looks good, so hoping his helmet turns up by then and we can go for an adventure.

This week's office. Day 4 in Panda 2's former bedroom :D

4 of us working in the house testing t'internet links to the max......... will stick some flowers in your rusty ol' 12 bore Jamie



  • office.webp
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That's a smart looking office mate,
You have the essentials, Jenga, laptop and Kenco.
Oh while I applied for the job I must admit it isn't really my sort of job. I applied for two that were available when they were making us redundant. My job in the PM room would remain but had some other admin and a bit more lab testing thrown in so I was OK because while I could have taken redundancy I would rather have my job, which they said was mine if I wanted it, with a increase to cover the extra work, so almost a promotion in the end. The issue was I refused to take the senior position as while I could manage it, it was marginally more money for doing essentially everything in the lab and running the whole show, which was previously two peoples work. No thanks as I still can't see it working. My other option was the senior scientist and I met with the lady who runs a NHS lab to see if we would work for her. I really liked the team and the lab even though there wouldn't be as much variation of the work, but turned out she could only offer me part time. Meanwhile the CNP still haven't rejected me after 3 months of interviews assessments etc, what is wrong with them :) It doesn't give me much faith.
Meanwhile I have been working on a plan to do something on my own but it will take some time to set up and a bit of financial backing that we had been putting together, though now this might have to wait a while longer but I am sure I can still make it happen.
To be honest I was going to withdraw from the CNP as I just don't think it's a great fit for me, I have spent my youth and my life being a pretty anti authority, anti establishment, anti nuclear pacifist, so something just doesn't feel right ;)
While it's only been a month since being in the position at work where the others have gone and waiting for a senior to join me, what a month it's been! Things are working where I am and I still get to kill em, chill em, cut em and burn em, so it's not all bad :)
I did think I could get a job with the mob as I can clean up lots of blood and leave no trace and I can dispose of a body discreetly , badda bing, badda boom!


Jamie, both you and I could go into the mob clean up business. I too know how to get rid of a body but can go further if I have access to Proteinase K, DNAse, RNAse and a warm bath. Also I know a guy with an incinerator with spare capacity. Black bag, some plausible paperwork, no questions wink wink....

WHAT !!!
You know about the flock of young goats and the captive bolt gun.....I thought that one had been properly hushed up. Can't have loose ends, now where's the number for our guys in Glasgow..........

Went for another ride around the local woods first thing this morning, rode a few sections I've not ridden before, and found a couple of new paths that I'll have to explore another time.
For the first hour or so the place was deserted, at one point whilst checking Trailforks app I turned round to see a deer on the path about 20m away, it gave the the "what the f*ck are you doing here?" look before wandering off :wink: saw loads of red squirrels too, and much unidentified rustling in the undergrowth :lol:

By around 9am though the dog walkers had descended en masse, it got a bit silly at one point as I pulled over to let a walker past, there was another behind her, and another a little way in front of me. The trail wasn't wide enough to be more than 2m apart whilst passing, so they all did the "after you, no after you.... No I insist, you first.... Not at all. After you..." Etc. :facepalm:. I got bored of waiting for them to stop dithering and just rode on.... They soon scattered out of my way though :lol:

A skill I have aquired but seldom use because I do not have the patience is wheel building. So bored in the last 24 hours I built a wheel set !
Now have a retro style set of disc hubs on 50mm wide Sun Phat Albert rims in lovely red anodised. They are now shod with mismatched Nokian 26 X 2.3" tyres and sit attached to a Specialized Hard rock frame from the noughties with some mk1 U-turn Rockshox Pike's.
In case that sounds too modern and normal for Velo, I should point out that the frame is size 13", originally intended for a front wheel drive recumbent project that failed. Thus frame now sports a 500mm long folding bike seat post and will be fitted with a 150mm reach stem so I fit the frankenbike :-)
Re: Re:

jimo746":1xk4dc6n said:
:lol: Velo. We need to see some photos of this creation.

Are you sure :P :lol:

Well done on building the wheels though, a tricky skill puts me off trying. I can true, but the whole build thing seems too complicated and im sure id mess it up