And today I did......


Look forward to that ride now your a free man Hawmaw :)
I am/was mid long winded assessment as AFO for the Nuclear Constabulary before this all went off, so most likely take the next 12 months now.


Jamie , how does that work ? Do you have a background in that sort of thing or do you go in as a trainee

I had a sergeant who retired after 30 years in Strathclyde with his pension and walked straight into a job with CNP at Hunterston as a Sgt. Unfortunately he went deaf in one ear so they took his firearms ticket off him and he had to retire again

Hi mate
As a trainee, the selections been going on since last October and if I keep passing will then go for 17 weeks training down south.
My plan originally was when we were being made redundant to apply, if by some chance I got through I would do my training, then 18 months probation then I could apply for canine officer while still retaining the AFO. That way there is always plenty of variety as the dog aspect.
Surprised if I am honest to get as far as I have, just that I was using it as a back up and am still not sure it’s for me really.
It’s a bit like the old Groucho Marx gag in as much do I really want to work for someone so irresponsible to let me wander round with a automatic weapon and authority to use it, crazy times indeed.
No real background in this type of thing at all, shot the odd 202 back in my younger days, otherwise they just seem to like my experience and think it would suit. The rescue work, thinking independently, the usual stuff. Maybe though it’s a willingness to sit on my arse and drink coffee like the rest of them ;)


I hope things work out in your favour. I count myself lucky never to have been made redundant or been out of work. If you get into the CNP and pass your probation then that should hopefully be a job til you retire

I suspect with all the guns mentioned that any question along the lines of what the fcuk are you two talking about would be answered with we could tell you but we'd have to kill you. But none the less what the f......etc etc.
My good lady is partially disabled and as I officially am her carer I have to co-habit in South central Leith as travelling back to Loanhead is no longer just a 30 - 40 minute drive. Getting cabin fever bad !
Re: Re:

velomaniac":2mgyu4qj said:
I suspect with all the guns mentioned that any question along the lines of what the fcuk are you two talking about would be answered with we could tell you but we'd have to kill you. But none the less what the f......etc etc.
If Jamie gets the job, we'll have a MacRetro day up his way.

He can bring his gun from work and we can go Puffin shooting on the cliffs at Dunnet Head.

Followed by a BBQ with his speciality, Puffin omelette.

I suggest this day, next year.

I have pieced together that some kind of government police guard nuke power sites and that Dounrey needs guarded and is near where Jamie lives.
However a police handgun couldn't hit a barn door unless quite close let alone a Puffin. Plus Puffins are protected species. So shooting Puffins only comes into play if even smaller than Jamie Hezbollah terrorists in Puffin suits try to infiltrate the site !

Velo my good man, I am not getting out of bed for a handgun
These fools are talking full dark side, all black, vests, balaclavas and full automatic.
What could possibly go wrong

Re: Re:

Hawmaw":11gwsreh said:
I retired from the polis on 18th March and as the kids are all grown up I'm free for the first time in 30 years

Finally free and then this Corona-crap happens, you couldn't make it up! :lol:

I'm just about to head out for another solo local ride, good opportunity to investigate the paths and tracks I've missed before