And today I did......


Pitmedden would be good, enjoyed my first ride there, seen a few people on Facebook mention Kinnoul Hill too.
Out for a 20 mile road/gravel ride. Luckily for me my usual loops go nowhere near populated areas anyway, but I only passed 3 other cyclists the entire ride and they were all going the other way on the far side of the road. Really needed it. Worked six days straight last week, doing 2 to 3 times our usual volume and was mentally burned out. Could be the last for a while as despite supposed to being on a week off, it looks like in getting drafted as double cover to help out struggling branches.

On a positive note, I did spot the first lot of hedge porn I've seen in years! Farmer had been cutting back the road facing side of a field hedge. It must have been buried there since god knows when. And no, I didn't stop to check it out, I left it for those without the internet.
clubby":2gehr0kf said:
On a positive note, I did spot the first lot of hedge porn I've seen in years! Farmer had been cutting back the road facing side of a field hedge. It must have been buried there since god knows when. And no, I didn't stop to check it out, I left it for those without the internet.
That was a bit thoughtless I like to keep my hand in :lol:
RobMac":2vmvud40 said:
clubby":2vmvud40 said:
On a positive note, I did spot the first lot of hedge porn I've seen in years! Farmer had been cutting back the road facing side of a field hedge. It must have been buried there since god knows when. And no, I didn't stop to check it out, I left it for those without the internet.
That was a bit thoughtless I like to keep my hand in :lol:

Hedge porn gone today. Think Rob has been Strava-stalking me and scouring the ditches round here :lol:

Been asked to do three extra days at work this week, so made the most of my day off and did some exploring. One of my old paths has been turned into a building site, so took advantage of the shut down to go and nosy and see what's going to be left once it's all done. Looks like the track will survive, it's just closed for site traffic at the moment. Hoping so as it was a useful track the avoided the need to head into Dundee and round the busy inner ring.
clubby":agcpnam2 said:
Looks like the track will survive, it's just closed for site traffic at the moment. Hoping so as it was a useful track the avoided the need to head into Dundee and round the busy inner ring.

Any reason to avoid Dundee is a good reason! Perhaps Rob has been Strava stalking you after hearing about the busy inner ring?