And today I did......

dyna-ti":tgcuj607 said:
Does anyone feel this weather is actually best.Not too cold, but brisk enough to prevent overheating

I love it too. Crunching through frozen puddles, while not getting too muddy. Trails round here are actually drying out.
Sitting looking out on a frosty garden while finishing my pre-ride porridge at the moment.

Can't beat frosty trails, fast riding and generally no bike cleaning required post-ride... win-win!! :D
Picked up a comedy bike just for a laugh. At the bike station they had a BSO suspension bike in red and white Coca Cola colour scheme complete with decals. It was destined for the scrap skip and will eventually end up there. In the mean time at least for the festive period it'll be blasted around my local wasteland until I break it which I suspect wont be long :xmas-big-grin:
How many BSO's have you now Velo ? :lol:

This is what I found while working there. It's a bike, so useful, which is always better than scrapping it, but tbh the world would benefit from chucking it in the recycle skip
dyna-ti":ga8b8ajh said:
How many BSO's have you now Velo ? :lol:

This is what I found while working there. It's a bike, so useful, which is always better than scrapping it, but tbh the world would benefit from chucking it in the recycle skip
No no no!

As bicycle evangelists it's our duty to elevate the humble BSO to its true purpose in life. Donor bike :)

eg this example with Modern Trail Geometry and suitably insulated in warm colours for the 'Puffer.


(Not mine :) )

I do not have any BSO's bar this one and its likely just a short termer.

Only got 5 bikes these days. My kleptomaniac collecting of bicycles was a symptom of mental illness. To cure myself I need to be strict and take my meds !
Stripped the Coca-Cola URT BSO down to its frame and rear shock. Still quite a hunk of boat anchor. Think I'll rebuild with minimal replacement parts but go for road slicks. Me thinks it'll be a comfy road hack for the mean streets of winter Edinburgh. Plus who in their right mind would nick it. I however am not in my right mind and I'm off to see a Psychiatrist on Friday the couldn't make it up :facepalm: