Freezing it was...
I've been looking forward to the cold weather after my Oz soujourn.
Today I was not disappointed.
The horizon isn't tilted, that's a hill, a long steep one.
Frabjous joy, an excuse to have a wee rest on this new seat near the top and enjoy the last of Autumn scenery in bright sunshine.
The higher you go, the better it gets.
This is where I was headed, Ben Wyvis.
I had hoped there might be some snow a bit lower, but it's only a matter of time.
But it's cold enough that the tracks were icy. The ruts were mainly rideable, but with the odd patch of slithery slickness, so I stuck to the crunchy middle.
This one was a bit tricky. Couldn't stand upright so went across quadruped then dragged the bike. There's a nice drop into the burn on either side so I wasn't going to risk an accident where I wouldn't be found for days. Ice tyres go on tomorrow methinks...
Decided it was getting too dodgy to press on with slick tyres, and this was as close as I got to the Ben.
Then was a nice long descent. Usually it's quite fast but for much of it I was having to pick a very careful line. The sun was shining in my eyes and it was hard to tell if the reflection of the track was from wetness or slick ice - in some cases it was. I don't think I got over 10mph.
But it's great to be out on the bike, on a decent climb and not cook from the sun.