And today I did......


Did some "bike jobs" today. First was sorting out a set of Formula brakes i bought from Gumtree a few weeks ago, all looked ok when I picked them up, however once fitted to the Mrs's bike and I pulled the rear brake lever the hose flew out of the lever. Turns out there was no barb or olive on the end of the hose, and no fluid in the brake :facepalm: so, one bleed kit and one hose shortening kit later the brakes were back in business :) no thanks to the seller :x
Then I had to figure out why the GX rear mech on my Inbred wouldn't reach the 42T sprocket. Adjusted the limit screw, adjusted the cable, still wouldn't work. Had a cuppa and then realised it was a 10-speed cassette on a freehub that takes an 11-speed cassette.... one cassette spacer later we were in business :D

On a high after sorting out those issues I went for a ride in my local woods, muddied ride in a long time, but the 42T at the rear came in handy :)

Ever since the hospital reset me old ticker a month or two ago my fitness is coming back in leaps and bounds.
Did 22 miles on the MTB today at a pretty good pace and felt fine after it 8)

Thanks again NHS
Saturday afternoons ride out with the little man.
Nice at first, good t shirt weather but it soon cooled right down as the fog/haar came in. Quite windy but a good couple of hours out.
Back out in a few minutes hopefully. Weather looks pretty much the same, lots of fog but sun shining here.


1 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

4 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Construction work has begun in earnest for my new man cave.
At the moment the site is being cleared and prept up for the build to begin 8)
I've spent the last few days rebuilding this. It was my daughter's bike, worked perfectly ok but in 8 years she had put barely 50 miles on it, so she gave it to me.

Needless to say it has now been completely apart, and that's where the problems were, getting it apart. Now it's back together and after a frustrating couple of days mucking around, fitted with mudguards. (Yeah, not usually a problem, but I've stuck 2" tyres on a bike designed for 38mm :) )

It's still not right for me. It needs a longer brake hose so I can fit a longer stem with my preferred bars. At the moment it is uncomfortable after about 30 miles because it's too short a position.

Motive - to have a weatherproof bike to ride up to Jamie's and back.
Looking very smart indeed mate :)
I have been working on a ride myself.
Trucker for me for the Audax brevet. I take it that the Hooper is running the Alfine or is that the Rohloff?
