And today I did......

Cheeky wee sunny day off at Comrie Croft. Weather amazing, trails running well and tea room fantastic as usual.
Left feeling a bit dirty though. No, not from mud...... I tried an e-bike :oops:
Chatting to a couple of riders at the top of the hill and one of them offers me a shot of his Merida full suss e-bike. Picked it up and it weighed a ton, but once on it you don't really notice. Did a short downhill and then attempted a steep techy line I've only ever cleared once. Boost mode was ludicrous and it just kept going. Never cleared it, but only because it had that much power I went completely offline. Not ready for one yet, but give it 20 years....
E-bikes are the future, I have had a couple and on road its amazing what a bit of power assist does. Off road looks awesome but it is a bit close to trail motorbikes which are also great fun and soon or later the government might figure that out and start slapping more rules and taxation onto them if they exceed the limits currently set. Plus I can see the law suits when one falls off the flimsy car bike rack and takes out another car with its ton weight. :roll:

I know a guy who has a bike shop in Kilbirnie. He hires out ebikes and they seem to be popular. He rides them himself and rates them.
Not for me at the moment but maybe when I need a bit of assistance in my old age. For me cycling is about keeping a wee bit fit as well as enjoying the ride.

"Every day's a school day"
Was out on the Litespeed today doing my usual mid week loop and I started using the technique "pumping the forks" it made progress swifter and smoother, I'm a slow learner.
Cut the ride short due to creaking from somewhere it was sounding like OCP getting up after a fall :mrgreen:

Evenin peeps :D

Out on the Saracen this evening for brisk 20 miler predominantly on road over to Montrose and back - first time on a bike for yonks it seems. Nice sunset over the hills too. Enjoyed every minute :D :D :D

Midweek skive down to Pitmedden. Running really well overall but a few random mud holes still to dry out.
Felling work started again getting worryingly close to the Heart of Darkness trails. Trails seems to have been marked out in spray paint, so hoping it might be spared. Some machine tracks crossing the trails but because it's been dry they're not too deep. A bit of felling debris on the trails to be careful of as well.

On the plus side, I'm feeling fresher after a week off the bike. Was pretty spent after four days in a row last weekend, but time off seems to have done me good. Also the Dunkeld ride last week seems to have recalibrated my brain and I conquered a few sections that have been plaguing me for a while. Still not mad enough to drop into Loam Lover 2. It's got even more rutted and cut up than it was when I crashed on it last time.

If you love Pitmedden then get up and enjoy it before the old favourites are lost for good.

Been sampling some different trails this week, down near Merseyside with work so have been getting out in the evenings. Llandegla yesterday was pretty Good, all well maintained purpose built trails but enough variety and difficulty to keep things interesting though. Out to Rivington Pike near Chorley today, more natural kind of trails which was fun, some fekkin rocky descents though! Had me wishing I had a full-bounce bike again.