And today I did......


I'm quite happy to differentiate between the two things. I don't feel the need to ride everything that I have. Hopefully shift another few bikes this year though. I see myself mainly riding the Charge Plug and the Giant Reign, the Pug and Rooster are being kept though. The Cube CX, Horsethief, Concorde are on the immediate chopping block as well as a few frames.
That's still quite an impressive list to chose from Clubby :)
I am a bit similar to Clubby in that I build mine to ride, though saying that there are most likely a few crossovers in the road department. This side of things there are a couple of frames that all do the same thing but won't be sold. I do tend to only have my Merckx and one other frame built up ie; it will be either the Mercian or Jack Taylor, though again I suppose this is a specific use as the Merckx is a racer where as the Mercian and Taylor are randonneur builds. These builds are all long term slow builds and so don't take too much financially. The only thing that has taken an investment the last few years has been the Big Dummy, it was a bargain and a great buy but a decent hit in one go for us, otherwise it is all ways frames built up slowly as time and money allows.
My background and history mean that I come to the retro thing from the road side mainly and that's what I prefer building and riding at this point but it has been pretty stable for a long while. An air of contentment in the stable for a while now with a couple of projects ongoing but these are all to do with one build and are small jobs. The off road side of things while I still have a couple of Stumpy frames in the loft I am not at this point inclined to put them back together anytime soon. I have been really happy the last few years riding my 1X1 and Pugsley off road and basically my 1X1 is just a 94 Stumpy with disc brakes.
So most things in my stable that are built do have a specific purpose/use and then there are a couple of frames. Cleared a lot of the stuff that was just collecting in the loft a good couple of years back, there's still spares boxes but they are much more sorted and are stuff that I will use.
Pretty happy with my lot and the only time I get newbikeitus now is cyclocross season and I keep looking at those XLS at Planet X :)
I personally realise how lucky I am to be able to look out and have a choice of bikes to ride at this point in time.

Though the one caveat here is that Caleb keeps mentioning a tandem, and this is not something I put into his head as I just say he needs a new bigger bike in the spring, but he has this idea of a tandem, I think it's from the old couple up the road who ride past our place now and again. A nice classic steel tandem would of course be far preferable than one of those Viking ones off of ebay I'm sure ;) Though maybe the Dummy would have to go to finance that :)

The real question would be, if you could only have one bike out of your fleet, and have only that bike for the next four years, what one would it be?
(I will start a new thread for this I think)

I'm off for a ride :)
Great, if muddy run today at Pitmedden with Aaron and Rob. Yes, both Aaron and Rob actually outside riding bikes! ;)
Good fun sliding around, although the plus size tyres were giving pretty amazing grip at most points. Felt completely knackered for most of the ride and was blaming yesterdays road ride. Checked rear tyre pressure when I got home and it was only 10psi. That would explain that dragging feeling on every climb then and the velcro grip in the tech stuff.
Sad to see the forestry equipment back in the woods again, getting very close to some of the newer trails. Hopefully they survive the felling, but I'm not holding out much hope. May mean that I never do conquer the "corner of doom".

Quite a list on the chopping block Kaiser. I take it you've found your mojo with the Reign if the Horsethief is the one to go?
clubby":3od4zz6c said:
Quite a list on the chopping block Kaiser. I take it you've found your mojo with the Reign if the Horsethief is the one to go?

Not too much mojo returned tbh. My biking this year and next will probably be a half dozen days or so at uplifts or Fort William and Glencoe gondolas. I think I mentioned to you in the past about an Alps trip too. As it is I haven't used the Horsethief since I got the Reign and probably have no intention of either. No point keeping it if the chance of using are slim to nil.The only bikes I'm keeping that I have any attachment to are the Rooster and Pug.

Mind you I have signed up for Gritopia, I'll be there to enjoy the day though rather than trying to do anything resembling racing.

I swear to god this isn't a wlnd-up.
Today when I came back from the ride with Clubby and ZZ.
l took Alf out for a walk, well today the did it again. We were walking across a grassy bit and suddenly he randomly squat down for a shit and when I went to pick it up and what's lying right next to it but a £ pound coin.
Now what's the chances of that happening twice, both £ pound coins :shock:
Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down, Rob puts pound coin in pocket, pound coin falls out of pocket as he bends down.....