And today I did......


And yesterday I did...... 25 miles on the road bike

And today I did...... 20 miles on the MTB

Neither of which were exactly a blistering performance but at least it got me off ma ass :?
there's a shed clearing epidemic, took some stuff to the recycling yesterday, found a good home for a gt timberline, reducing the triple triangle count in the shed to 3. if i could pluck up the courage to make some decisions on a pile of wheelsets, I actually have a workspace again.

I went a raking in 3 of my sheds, didnt find what I wanted and chucked it all back in the shed. No recycling or trips to the tip done. Might add more stuff to the sheds but will never do it the tidy way. Clearing out sheds...........THATS JUST WRONG !!!! :shock:
I need a shed.... any advice chaps? cant be bigger than 8x6 and will not (repeat not ) contain bikes or anything bike related - that will continue to be secured in the garage!
Wooden ones look best and are commonly available in many sizes and people exist to build them for you. However they can rot, can burn and are less secure but those factors can be dealt with. metal sheds are better but pricier and potentially the most secure after concrete garages which are the most pricey. Plastic sheds are pretty pricey but need next to know maintenance, can be quite secure but can be burned/melted. I'd go with wood but of a decent thikness/gauge of wood as good as you can afford, pressure treated and assembled by someone who knows what they are doing. I know a couple of guys who work as stockmen at my place of employ who can put up a shed for you for reasonable money.
I don't have a garage :( so have to keep the more valuable/modern bikes in the house

and the retro in the shed :( :( :facepalm:

I got a 10x8 or 12x10 canny mind, made by a local company that also made house kits.. was reasonable compared to tinternet etc.. tho the opportunity missed was the height... should got them to make it 2ft higher.

For the garden stuff and the kids toys I have two small sheds from Waltons online.. they're not going to last a life time but for the cost and a coat of paint every few years I've already got my moneys worth out of them