And today I did......

I think i managed about 15 miles today :D My shrivelled thigh muscles were really feeling it. Lots of up inclines and a bloody headwind.

At least i didn't disgust anyone and put them off their dinner

And today I had a bath......
Just realized my knees and napper (no helmet) are slightly crisped after being out for 9 hours in the sun :cool:
I wont go on about the rescue I made on the Forth Bridge "Man of steel rescues elderly lady and daughter in wheel chair drama" :cool:

Sounds like a pretty big ride Rob, especially if you were feeling crap.
Whats the story of the 'rescue' ? ...........more details of the day required :)


I was on my way home heading across the bridge (south bound side) A frail old lady stopped me to ask if I had a pump as the tyre on her daughters wheel chair had gone flat and was off the rim. Well I tried to blow it back up but couldn't keep the tyre on the rim as the daughter couldn't leave the chair. So I cycled back to the south side of the bridge to lock the bike up then walked back to get them both. So I took over the wheel chair pushing as it was on the rim by now, her car was behind the observation building on the south side. Once I'd got them both back into the car I walked back to the bike, just as I was unlocking the bike I had a little chuckle to my self, what if I'd locked the bike on the bridge? Some body walking past a bike locked to the railings ON THE BRIDGE and no cyclist in sight :shock:
Good man. As Keith says, a gentleman. :)
I must say theres some amount of macho posturing from you guys in the south eastern parts.
I think the ladies protest too much :) :) :)

'Today I did'

Well yesterday evening, BEFORE the pub, I used an angle grinder to trim down an overlong steerer on the forks for the Mt. Vision.

No parts were irreparably damaged, no human skin was removed, no trips to A&E required

A small victory.

Go Me!