And today I did......

shake down ride of planned steed for Glentress meet

christened a few items ie aldi saddle bag and mini pump as had a puncture (first one on this bike)

i got it dirty hee hee

all clean now
Well done guys!
Sounds like a busy couple of days Ollie, and thanks for the link jimo. I had a quick look but will watch it later. What race are you doing?
Big Cheese, when are you coming up north to ride with your northern retrobike buddies?
Lookin good Tack, muds good ;)

tack4":381cy49r said:
shake down ride of planned steed for Glentress meet

V-brakes and suspension forks?! that's luxury for a retro steed! :D looking good though, hopefully there should be a good turn out of retro bikes at the Glentress ride.

Jamie, it's the Scottish Enduro Series round at Glenlivet Trail Centre, I wimped out and opted for the shorter "Enduro-Lite" category, I'm now classed as a "Veteran" :shock: :lol:
I'm sure it will be a good event jimo. I dont think doing the enduro lite would constitute wimping out.
I think nearly all of us are veteran now, with a few grand and super veteran thrown in :)
If you've just turned veteran then I suppose its a tag thats not appreciated, at least in the road side it starts earlier and you are a master.

Day 3 of the back to using the bike for every journey no matter how long or short regime.

KFC for lunch and pasta for tea.
I'll be on the protein shakes next :?

I devoured half a jar of peanut butter the other day,Well it was actually Cashew nut butter 8) only ingredient is finely ground cashews so is suitable for anyone*. 1000kcal/jar :shock: and its a small jar.

*except those with an allergy
Jamiedyer":1okvg23p said:
Big Cheese, when are you coming up north to ride with your northern retrobike buddies?


Might give it a go later in the year. Will see what the missus says (she has my balls in a cupboard) and if I can camp/ kip over somewhere.
If you come way north then there is a bed here for you.
We could do a few coastal rides here and then hit some mountains just to the south with epicyclo.

Jamiedyer":1ma213xc said:
If you come way north then there is a bed here for you.
We could do a few coastal rides here and then hit some mountains just to the south with epicyclo.


Thats very gracious. I may need to invest in some new knees and a smaller granny ring