And today I did......

Re: Re:

RobMac":35cyjk2x said:
Ive just been watching Epicyclo on BBC iPlayer at this years Strathpuffer (whata guy) :cool:

:D Retrobike Hero status :cool:

It was on TV the other day, I mentioned it in the "Chat & Rides" section, they spent most of the programme covering the 'Puffer :) Saw quite a few fattybikes on the show, I'm sure I saw a retro Spesh FSR at one point too! No one else I recognised though...

Kind of makes me think about giving it a go next year, last 12hr event I did was 2 years ago now, probably about time I looked into it again.
Re: Re:

jimo746":2v635d7d said:
...Kind of makes me think about giving it a go next year, last 12hr event I did was 2 years ago now, probably about time I looked into it again.

You should give it a go.

It's not that hard. Just disconnect your brain, don't listen to the dire warnings your body is giving you, and 24 hours later, it's done.

A positive mental attitude helps. When I was knackered, freezing and thinking it's time to stop for a rest, I looked at my watch (taped to the bars) and thought "Thank god, only 23 hours and 55 minutes to go"

The main thing is a reliable bike, properly maintained and preferably with a brand new drivetrain (it won't be a day later).

This year was a big fail for me. I built up a new bike before the race and didn't take it on a proving run first. It then developed a myriad of small nuisance problems, all of which sucked up time fixing it. Worse was 3 punctures in 4 laps. New carbon rims for tubeless tyres but using tubes (don't trust that new fangled technology), and my normal 1-2 minute tyre change took 20+ minutes. I have since practised at home and got a tyre change down to about 4 minutes. I need to go tubeless!

Luckily I live not too far away, so I got a lift home and rebuilt my trusty Pugsley whose bits had been distributed amongst my other fatties. I returned to the race with that after having lost a huge chunk of time, but at least managed to have a beer or two while building it, and all was golden thereafter. If you notice a fat bike with huge red mudguards and the rider wearing a yellow jacket near the end, that's me Puggling away.

My dreams of 24 hour race domination will have to wait for next year. :)

Worst memory of the race is that I managed to do an OTB in front of a crowd from the top of the stairs into the wee burn. It wasn't the crash, but that no one got a photo that narks me. It felt spectacular.

Edit: embarrassingly they included my dig at Dougie Vipond. :oops:

Unfortunately it seems, aswell as a reliable bike, you need great internet connection and lightning fast reactions to even get a place on the race these days with its popularity.
Any hints at Strathpuffer lite being run again ?, my last attempt was woefull but it was fun :oops:

PS epicyclo, forks will be sent eventually, i'm having a bit of a disorganised, lethargic period in my life at the moment............well all the time really :oops:

Went in to Blairadam to do some trail maintenance this afternoon. Finished cutting the tree I started clearing on Tuesday so the 2nd part of the East Boundary trail that was blocked near start is now open again. Then went down to where the last part of the East Boundary trail exits just up from the triangle.

This gets very wet and muddy due to the boulders that were put in a year or so ago actually blocking the original ditch that drained the area. Keith and I had dug some wee drains with bits o' wid and oor feet, and dammed part of the run off away from trail to make it go through the wee drain.

What I did was dig this first drain bigger and deeper plus made another further up to divert more of the run off to run through the drain, across the trail, that I then made. Dug out some of the mud then unearthed a load of boulders from nearby to then place either side of this drain so there is a roughly 6 inch gap for stream to run through.

Will see how this stands up to use but it is only a temporary measure for now, really want to make a covered drain so it doesn't get filled with mud off tyres.
Going to fill in some holes that retain water/mud on trail before and after this drain when I'm next in there.

And well done Epicyclo, was able to say, "I know that guy" to my wife and daughters, quite chuffed for you. :D
Good work ocp!

Any you eastern types do any riding at beecraigs ? Boy at the work does some trail building there, tells me it's alright riding, tho they work under the supervision of the council which dampens down things somewhat.

gmac, I was sure I'd read a thread on TrailScotland about new trails at Beecraigs but had a look just now and can't find it.
There's some threads on Beecraigs but they are old and don't have info on new trails as far as I can see.

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