And today I did......

Had a short ride out today about mid dayish as wanted to be home for 2ish to watch Kuurne - Brussel - Kuurne on the TV.
It was really windy so decided for some reason to do a triangular curcuit running for two sides pretty much into the wind and one with a tail wind. My reasoning was that as I wouldn't be out for any more than a couple of hours most, I should take the harder option.
Anyway it was a decent run and while the headwind from the west was fierce and a real grind on the open exposed roads up here, the 3/4 front cross wind was the real killer, constantly driving me into the edge of the road. I left the tailwind third for the run home as I knew the wind would be hard going and glad I did. We had a good bit of rain this morning and again this afternoon so I was lucky to get a window that was a mix of cloud and bright sun, but no rain.
I used the run on the Merckx to try and finally make a decision on changing a few things about. I have had it in the same spec with Ultegra and 105 since I built it new nearly 14 years ago. Lately I have been deciding whether to change it to full Ultegra 6500 or Dura Ace 7400/7403. Both of these I have sitting in boxes and would just need one bottom bracket I think. So it was a good ride and I decided for the time being just to change over the triple to double Ultegra and the 105 brakes and mechs to either Ultegra 6500 or Dura Ace 7700 all of which I have in boxes in the loft. No real need for change other than a change just for the sake of it and do I need new chainrings and thought I may as well put it back to double as the granny ring has been used three times in all these years. No big decision but thats just the nonsense that filled my head during the ride.
Even after 14 years it still feels like a new bike to me. Its done some miles and I try hard to look after it, as I still love riding it.
Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne was a great race and while my favourite Boonen didn't win at least it was a quick step rider in Cavendish that took the win.
A good day and I hope everyone else had a good one as well.



You dont half look after the Merckx Jamie :shock:

Anyway I was out tonight (night ride) 10 mile TT on the Voodoo the wind was brutal at times but I wasn't cold :?
yeah, judging by the TV report the wind was pretty brutal all over. At least we got out and had a ride.
Good man as well doing it at night, at least I could see where I was getting blown towards.


Rob, you were supposed tae come for a ride in Blairadam with Keith and me, ye sleep in?
The heavy rain that was forecast just didn't happen, couple of times we had a few spots of rain but it never came to anything, think the wind kept it away. The usual muddy bits were as wet as expected though. Enjoyed oorsels though. :mrgreen:

We even did a bit of trail maintenance at one particular muddy/wet bit. Digging a drain with bits o' wid and building a dam with stones and mud to divert the water into drain. Not finished but an improvement. Haven't guddled aboot in the mud like that since I was a bairn. :roll: