And today I did......

Nice one Jamie. :cool: Single-speeding has to be the best exercise as well as the best fun.:mrgreen:

We had a bit of the fog in the morning but was gorgeous by early afternoon. Slightly crap weather was great as it kept most folk in, so I hardly saw anyone on quite a big loop on the moonie.

btw, you got a build thread on your Merckx?

oh yeah almsot forgot

took my BV on a shake down ride MapMyRide said 16.37 miles mostly into a stong westely headwind :shock:

some minor adjustments to seating position helped.

but sorry to say dyna-ti the Marin Lite bar is just too narrow for me i couldn't get comfy hand position or feel 100% safe.

so looks like original may be going back on but in the lovely shiny MLite stem.

Today I had my first proper ride in over a month ............... with Fran & Anna :mrgreen:
Bloody hell is Blairadam riding good or what :shock:

Superb :D

Velofrog thats a cool picture, whats the machine? it looks nice.
Good to see that Bear Valley out and getting tweaked so quickly after the build, what with finishing it off and buying another bike. Your hooked, its all down hill now ;)
Are both you guys coming to Dunkeld next weekend?

For me, I did eventually get out this afternoon for a couple of hours, unfortunately the wind had dropped and slightly turned. I say unfortunately as this morning it was almost gale force and was coming from the south/east, whereas its usually always from the west and north. I ended up getting a lift eastwards with Heather who was going to drop some stuff off near Wick. I thought great, I will dodge most of the headwind. Almost worked perfectly, almost. Oh well, medium strength tailwind just meant medium strength headwind, glass half full I suppose.
I got the bike out the car, all the while having this strange guilt type feeling that I was somehow cheating due to getting a lift :oops: I've never been dropped off somewhere before like that. :LOL:
I quickly discovered as I put my front wheel in that the strange feeling I had yesterday, similar to a flat back tyre was in fact my headset coming loose, no idea how I didn't pick this up last week. Only having a multitool I tightened it by hand and set off.
Headwind was still decent enough to be a pain but was soon enough heading for home. Hopefully the next 35 or so kilometres would see me with either a tailwind or a crosswind but hopefully no headwind.
The backroads I go along through Lythe and towards Greenland are singletrack farm roads and are pretty rough in places, patchy, gravel etc, with scenery being pretty open and exposed, nice I suppose but a bit bleak in places.
Whilst I thought the tailwind was diminishing I was proved wrong, as I was motoring. Home quite quickly and even on the really rough section that is a long slightly uphill drag I was making good time. For once the farm hedges and tree sections that you normally look for up here to hide from the wind, were a bit of a pain now I had a tailwind :LOL:
Anyway it was a good ride for the time I had available, very enjoyable as usual, though the tailwind was a welcome change. At one piont I was on the main road before the Lyth turnoff and on the long straight I was pulling 56 klm/h for about 2 mile. On my own, no chaingang, drafting, nada :LOL:
Lost a lot of speed when I turned off at 90 degree :facepalm:
All good fun and hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.


Still pulling over 50 and thats after fumbling in my pocket for the camera etc. :cool:

nice riding Jamie,

re Dunkeld i am not anywhere near fit enough or off road skilled enough for any MacRetro riding but come the beter weather it's on the cards
liking the merckx Jamie, you lucky boy. and good to see the BV brought back to life, enjoy.. and don't worry about the dunkeld pace, it's sociable and the terrain is largely landrover tracks

Jamie, it's my incredible Ibis Tranny

incredible in that it can make a fat old man feel fast and fit.......

of which i am neither!! :cry:

cheers! mike :D
I think you have that the wrong way round Mike, I'm sure riding that Ibis, you are neither fat or old.
Though I must admit I have put on a bit of winter timber and extended the fermented hops holding tank slightly. I am also quite sure I am not getting any younger ;)
That is despite dealing with the Devil on several occasions :)

A Gmac says, Dunkeld is a real easy ride and the pace is, as mentioned, very casual. Its more the social aspect and used to be the first proper get together of the year. Its also probably the biggest get together.
Its land rover tracks and the paths used by the walkers so theres nothing technical or serious and someone stops every two minutes for a photo. As for skill, well, maybe have a look at some of the pics from the past years :)
Velofrog, whereabouts are you situated?


I've been on several MacRetro rides and have yet to turn up "fit enough" and have managed fine (all be it at the back of the pack for most of the day) :LOL: so I think you'll be fine tack. The first ride I went on was Baltic Bawbags a couple of years ago and ended up riding single speed for most of the day after a slight miscalculation of chain length on my part put paid to my rear mech :roll: . Trust me if I can manage anyone can.

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