And today I did......

velomaniac":19oxxog8 said:
One of thems my old one aswell but its now unrecognisable and rather smart !
It was smart, but the pristine decals and powder-coat didn't last long (combination of crashing and sweating). It's now under the hoose and dismantled - I'd planned to build it up for my faither as a run around bike with cheap wheels, etc, but he picked up a skip bike instead and seems happy enough with that... even though it's a ladies step-thru!

well day out today in Ayr to catch up with my daughter (4th yr at Uni) and found a couple of ? retro classics

not sure on frame sizes tho'

Today received an email.
One of my Hope mechanical brakes has GLYN hand stamped into it. Googled it along with 'MTB rider', 'Hope sponsored' etc and came up with a name and googled that to find he still is in the bike biz and still racing. Got a website and contacted him through that.
Tenuous :LOL: but this time it came off :D He knows the Hope engineer i got them off as he was sponsored by Hope in 2000.
Ill send him a pic.
firedfromthecircus":38je1ntq said:
velomaniac":38je1ntq said:
Dont know why you have an evil grin emoticon for a Spesh ZZ seeing as you have at least 4 that I know of including a prime specimen of the 80's :roll:

And one of them is my old one. :cool:

Some good guesses, while some of you obviously credit me with a lot more money than I have to splurge on a retro that will probably only see dirt twice a year! :LOL:

Maverick or Mustang?

Email from Saffron today saying I'm 2.5 frames away from the top of the build list. Time to make final decision on spec and gear ratios, and cough up the parts cost. Haven't even though about colours, big decision time.
exciting times clubby, just spent some time drowling at their site..

did you do the bike fit? if so interested to hear how it went?