And today I did......


Well I did my Derby & Jones club run today (Leven to Limekilns) 30miles with a slight tail wind
and another 30 back with a head wind I was fcuked when I got home as I've not ridden a bike
in anger since my charity ride thingy a couple of weeks ago :facepalm:

While I was out a reseaved a amazing example of "the brotherhoods" hospitality, a complete
stranger on a tidy Surly LHT who I met on the Fife Coastal Path offered coffee and rolls at his
place (Burntisland) where I was introduced to his wife AND his Bull Mastiff Alfie, that's right Alfie.
Same name as my dog, the brut tried to shag me when ever the owner left the room. I've never
been more grateful for my Aikido training, he'll no be shaggin anybody for a while :twisted:
Headed up to Glenlivet to check out the trails. Nothing that technical but the descents flow really well. Climbs are a bugger though. Black sections don't really add anything, most of them are just jumps. Blue is a short loop that is really just a short climb followed by a long descent then a long climb followed by a shorter descent. Total distance is only about 5 miles, but the first downhill is one of the best trail centre trails I've ever ridden. Really rewards standing up and pumping the bike through the turns. Second time through when I knew there were no nasty surprises waiting was the full on Return of the Jedi speeder bike experience. After the first downhill the red route splits off and heads up and up and up. Climb mixes fire road with singletrack sections before finally emerging into the open 3 miles (yes 3 miles of non stop up) later for the final assault on the summit. The descent starts before you reach the very top but I rode up to enjoy the views and a well earned Boost bar. The downhill really is worth the lactic acid pain for though. Total section is nearly 4 mile long with only a couple of small uphill sections in it that need pedalling. The trail uses the vertical really well and the optional black jumps are well signed beforehand. Imagine the Falla Brae final descent at Glentress but lasting over 15 minutes and you might get the idea. It actually reminded me a lot of the blue graded trails at Whister Bike Park, just with smaller jumps. The descent pops you back at the bottom of the climb followed by a small linking section to rejoin the blue. After the monster climb earlier the next drag up was a bit painful, but at least they made the effort to make a lot of it singletrack. The final descent is similar to the first but actually shorter and not as much fun. It's good but lacks the final thrill that these trails need. After a quick coffee and cake at the cafe (very nice) I headed out on another lap of the blue, but was pretty dead in the legs.

So, would I recommend it? Depends how far you are travelling for it. From mine it was 90 miles and a bit over 2 hours drive for a 14 mile loop. Yes, I could have done another outer loop of the red but that climb really is a leg killer, I don't know how long it would have taken a second time. Lack of other trails and the fact that the blue loop is part of the stated distance of the red is a disappointment. It seems they have just looked at where they could put in the longest descent and made the rest up to fit in. With a bit more trail development or an uplift service for the red, it would be an excellent destination. Still well worth stopping if you are passing or if you are near-by, say Aviemore or Braemar but otherwise for the length of riding you get, there are other places I'd rather ride.

Nice report clubby, theres a thread on STW saying pretty much the same thing.
90 mile drive to go cycling for 14 miles and a big hill too, thats dedication for you :cool:

Homebase were having a clearout of their hardwear section with the 1m lengths of alloy tubing and rod,mild steel bar and tubing,and threaded rod.
Got to it late so most of the extruded alloy section had been emptied but the above is listed from £5-£10 each and priced at £1 so i couldnt let it go. Tenner spent :D
I was looking for some alloy rod or tube for my mudguards.