And today I did......

big.eck":vwkdh56e said:
RobMac":vwkdh56e said:
I went up to Perth today to Alpine Bikes their supposed to be a service point for MoJo suspension.
Well save your self a trip and DONT GO, their fcucking useless :x

you should head to Linlithgow to that flotec dad , cannie mind the name of the shop just now :LOL:

Elevation Cycles ?
got some road shoes in the post and went for a short spin on the "armstrong" and cannot believe how much of a difference they make over mtb bike spds- walk like I have shat myself (even more like I have shat myself) and harder to get into but really love my white **** me road shoes.
Did 10 miles at the track last night - nothing spectacular but it's a start. I also seem to do it single speed - 52 -17 ratio I think, although it might be 52- 15.
I did a 3 hour road ride in the wind'n'rain but my new gloves & DeFroster boots kept me warm & dry.
Got back totally drained, had to have a power nap (coma) :facepalm:
tough day out there Rob, well done!

3rd road ride in trot I've had a puncture, not the weather for it either
Went through years worth of MBUK back issues taking out the mint sauce's. Worked back from this year to 1993 in the last week and a half. Got 3 more years to go! Keeping 1990 and the old summer/winter specials, and recycled 2000-2013. The inbetween issues will be coming to Dunkeld (if I've room) for you grubby little lot to scavenge. Anything not taken will be heading to recycling as well. Some hilarious fashion faux pas, just like one of our usual meets really.
Walked a route off the Garbole road over the snow and ice, not too bad to cover sixteen miles on foot after being unable to walk more than a few hundred yards a while ago, especially given all the ice and snow. Would have cycled it but that would mean going up and down hills and such, not the thing on ice!
epicyclo":zcvynkcn said:
clubby":zcvynkcn said:
Went through years worth of MBUK back issues taking out the mint sauce's...

Got any keyrings? I believe they're highly sought after... :)

I think so, but I don't know where. Last seen before I moved 9.5 years ago. Funny though, I was looking through the issue it came with yesterday.