Ammonia for stuck seatpost


Old School Hero
Going to take a deep breath and tackle a very stuck seatpost in a frame I love. Have read Sheldon Brown and got to the bit where he says ammonia can be used for aluminium in aluminium. OK, so question is where do I get ammonia? Can anyone help please.
just dont buy industrial quantities without a very good backup explanation.
Is ammonia supposed to be good for steel frames with aluminium parts stuck in them? Does it have any effect on steel parts stuck in steel frames?

My LBS has been trying to get my bottom bracket out for a while now by drowning it in ammonia every once in a while but with no luck. I’m assuming that the bottom bracket is the original 93 one and would probably be made of steel. Are they wasting their time using ammonia?
I thought that any strong alkaline would attack aluminium. I have only heard of it being used to remove (say) an aluminium seatpost stuck in a steel frame. I don't think it attacks steel.
spearmint":33nhyynd said:
Is ammonia supposed to be good for steel frames with aluminium parts stuck in them? Does it have any effect on steel parts stuck in steel frames?

My LBS has been trying to get my bottom bracket out for a while now by drowning it in ammonia every once in a while but with no luck. I’m assuming that the bottom bracket is the original 93 one and would probably be made of steel. Are they wasting their time using ammonia?

Heat is the only answer here I reckon.
You can get sprays that are for stuck/sezed parts. You spray in and leave. Using ammonia sounds not the way to go. I'd tread carefully
Ammonia is the answer for alloy stuck in steel. Although i've heard Coca-Cola is rather succesfull too :LOL:

Take care when using though, gloves, goggles, outside in the fresh air etc.