Remove the oxide with abrasives (wear a mask) & assess how much the tube wall thickness has been reduced, if you think it is significant bin the frame if not do the follwing.
Open up the hole with a drill to remove stress raisers to reduce the risk of cracking.
Treat the bare metal with Alocrom 1200 (or whatever the modern equivelent is).
Fill the hole & any pitting with Devcon or JB weld.
Etch prime & then paint.
Ride and enjoy until it cracks somwhere else, it is aCannondale 30 year old aluminium alloy frame after all 
Open up the hole with a drill to remove stress raisers to reduce the risk of cracking.
Treat the bare metal with Alocrom 1200 (or whatever the modern equivelent is).
Fill the hole & any pitting with Devcon or JB weld.
Etch prime & then paint.
Ride and enjoy until it cracks somwhere else, it is a

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