bduc61":1880zajn said:
I think the moderator should freeze the post :shock:

even with the warning ;)

retrobike should avert "gore" stuff :idea:

and we should not have a look at other's sufferance even if it is with compassion :?


Shame this is cycling injuries, got some cracking pics from my bike crash :cool:
JeRkY":2wd7rjny said:
Mr Chicken":2wd7rjny said:
i was caught out by a jump and broke my collar bone nearly 2 weeks ago and was airlifted to hospital, how long before you could ride again?

I think it was probably a good 6-8 weeks before I felt comfortable, however I think it was 4 weeks before I couldnt resist any longer and went for a gentle pootle.

4 week mark you feel a hell of a load better, but dont over do it. Its a rotton bone to brake.

i resisted an operation for a plate screwed to the bone so im praying that nature will do the rest but the boredom of sitting around is driving me mad.
4 weeks with those injuries... thats pretty incredible and gives me some hope cheers.
I dont have any pics,

When I was out with my chum when we were 13,
Him on his Falcon Sierra and me on my Puch Mtbso :roll:

We were tearing about the local woods and I went off the beaten track,
Never saw the single strand of barbed wire between the two fence posts about 6' up
needless to say, it took me off the bike and resulted in 6 stitches to the side of my mouth, tore me and I looked like the "Joker"

Not nice :?

Snapped a Manitou 1 steerer tube at the crown and fell from riding height onto my face, didn't get my hands out - wouldn't have been so bad but it was on Tarmac, fractured my skull, 16 injections to clear out the gravel and a lovely jagged scar above my eye.

Brilliantly the doctor told me that had I been wearing a helmet I'd have broken my jaw too, now I always do a post rebuild ride in a full facer.....
i think any cool injuries bike related or not should be allowed just for the sake of bdcu61 lol, im going to put my mates snapped off finger on tommorrow which he did when he was out doing the mmmbop trail near my house in Calderdale, that will make you wince :LOL: :LOL:
When i got a car dropped on me and i broke my collarbone it took 8week to get sorted and it was bloody painfull.
Collarbone breaks are painful (I carried my broken bike down from the top of Skiddaw with mine - we were only 5 mins from the top :LOL:), the first week seemed like it would never fix but funnily enough I don't remember actually being off the bike for very long, I know for sure it only cost me two days off collage - should have milked that a bit more :LOL:

Other than slipping on my arse a few times on the way down the most painfull part was my brother pulling a tight fitting moutain equipment fleece off over my head so they wouldn't cut it off in hospital ! The fleece is still going strong but my mum wears it now, it doesn't fit me anymore ... :oops: :LOL:

WD :)
I've broken many a bone but Jerky that's some serious damage there! At the FOD as well.. wow!

I'll throw this one in..

That's the post spinal reconstruction scar! Fractured two vertebrae after getting it a bit wrong and landing on my head. :shock: One was completly shattered and a piece had become very intimate with my spinal chord :? so they had to put some Ti rods and screws etc to stabalize it all. I've been trying to get a copy of the x-rays but it's proving to be rather difficult with all the red tape in the NHS right now.. :twisted:

Lesson learned if you like a bit of downhill action, enough to warrant a full face helmet, BUY A NECK BRACE! Who cares if they look goofy! I mean it, I have, and will never ride downhill with out it again!

A few people have said I was asking for it as I was riding with two (recovering) fractured wrists, one as recent as three weeks, both were heavily strapped up. And two days before I did this I had a run in with the floor and dislocated my shoulder. :LOL: What do they say about old dogs and new tricks..
Owen":1l6cfr7v said:
I've been trying to get a copy of the x-rays but it's proving to be rather difficult with all the red tape in the NHS right now.. :twisted: .
I have most of mine, they quoted me £3 each but then didn't charge..

I had to get my consultant to 'order' them for me though, wouldn't have got them otherwise..

And last time as an inpatient, they said I would no longer be allowed to keep any metalwork they took out.. got everything so far, except the k-wires.
I've twice rendered myself unconscious coming off mountain bikes - both times no helmet, so a lesson to be learned there.

First time was in 1988, me and a friend on my soon-to-be-stolen Peugeot, down a very, very steep hill with a very sharp bend to the left at the bottom - I remember trying to turn and then I woke up about 90 minutes later in hospital with someone stitching my face and someone else cutting my Levis (1980s MTB wear) off me, no pix I'm afraid but remarkably I suffered only a hairline fracture to my skull, a broken nose and some fairly major skin loss to my face (I'm still missing 1/2 an eyebrow 20+ years later.

Second time was a head on with another cyclist - he not looking where he was going, I swerved to avoid him, he saw me at the last second and swerved directly into me like a 200lb Exocet riding a $150 BSO. I came round about 5 minutes after impact with my brother telling me not to move - I tried to get up and discovered my right arm was a little floppier than I remembered it - my brother pushed me back on the ground and my shoulder popped back in with a noise that still haunts me. I would have ridden home but the other guys bike had done some fairly heinous damage to the back wheel of the Klein Attitude I was riding - we reckoned at the time that the damage to the wheel (Mavic 231 on M732 XT) was worth about twice what the other guys bike cost new. Next day I had bruising similar to Jerky's all round my shoulder and up my neck and I was basically unable to move for a couple of days. That was the second time I had dislocated that shoulder, first time was jumping down a flight of steps on a BMX in the mid 1980s - but that's another story.

Long term effects: I have vicious migraines at least once a week and there is a patch of skin on my shoulder about 4" across that has no sensation. The dead skin I could care less about, but the migraines are a regular nightmarish reminder to ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!