A Happy Ending. Heartfelt thanks Please read.

Re: A warning. Please read.

Just seen this, glad your ok you seem to be very lucky and the fitness must have helped. Hope to see you at the HONC I'll probably be doing the 50km.

Today is my last day of convalescence. I return to work, albeit on short days for a couple of weeks, tomorrow. Discharged from cardiac Care and Rehab. Rev limiter removed.

Today I made a pilgrimage of sorts to the spot that was nearly my last. First time I'd been back. Had a stand, a stop. and a think.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you on here that have Pm'd and posted words of advice, concern, support and encouragement. You are too many to mention and remember without fear of leaving somebody out. Some of it is somewhat blurred. A special mention to grumpycommuter and iwasgoodonce for their inviting me out on a confidence building road ride.

Also thanks to those very special guys that kept me from tearing what little hair I have left out. Sending parts and projects, putting up with stupid drug fueled questions.......

Most memorable comment: "So you really are ill then" Lillian on seeing all the get well cards in the lounge.

And then there's NeilM. What can i say.

Hope to say thanks in person to a few of you at mayhem and then draw a line.

And in case you didn't know, I did make and complete the 50k HONC.

Still not one to miss a photo opportunity :)

Panis Enim Omnia
Excellent news, bet you feel extremely chuffed, bet you're not looking forward to work tho, especially with all the nice weather now.
Re: Re:

The History Man":16ucfsw7 said:
And then there's NeilM. What can i say.
WHAT? What? What did I do?

It wasn't me, I don't know nothing about it.

I always get the blame for everything... it's not fair.
And mine to her. You up for some mayhem? The cake of choice is...........Battenberg

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