1988 Specialized Hardrock

Thanks @MattiThundrrr it has come out of necessity so I can hopefully still ride a bike without too much pain. The biggest prohibitive factor was that in my previous house I just had no space to move, so couldn't strip a bike down as I had nowhere safe to store all the bits during the cleaning/rebuild. Now we have a bit more space and some room (although it's complete chaos) so I can finally work on some stuff with a bit of shuffling around and the sunny weather has helped enormously

Sounds like you caught a bug of a Gen Alpha kid where they'd rather watch people on YouTube or TikTok doing stuff than do it themselves! 😜🤣

My advice is just strip it down and store all the bits in groups and one-by-one sh*t happens!
Not much left now. Cabling up time. I made the decision to keep all the original cables and outers when I started to strip the bike so I carefully removed them to minimise fraying. They weren't that corroded and nice and free running, plus the brake cables are the gorgeously thick 2mm monsters, you can't throw these bad boys away!

However even the big end caps I have were a tad too small so I needed the pillar drill to make them big enough. I think I should have cut my nails before this photoshoot! 🤣

Who would have though these would still be going strong? I must have bought these about 32 years ago and think they cost me circa £35 which is a lot for a teenager, but good tools last, plus they have a great retro look to boot! 💪👌

I like to triple crimp my cable ends for aesthetic reasons. Not my best work, but acceptable for a Hardrock! 😜

Got to love a U-brake. Love setting these up. Some people hate them, but I think they are rather splendiferous! :cool:😍

Some details....
Look the amazing grip detail on this straddle cable nipple! 😍

Love the crude nylon block that replaces where the B adjustment tab & screw normally go. No idea why this wasn't integrated into part of the black washer/sleeve it screws into? Looks almost homemade which I love!

Also a big fan of the all steel barrel adjuster and it gorgeous knurling.

And one more detail you cannot see. All the High/Low adjustment screws on both derailleurs have vertical slots in them with nylon inserts to provide friction to prevent them vibrating loose. All great stuff on such a budget bike
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It's done!!! 😎💪

Just a garden shot for now. Will try and take some proper ones in a more fitting setting with a better camera (my iPhone is 10 years old and on it's last legs!) so I can get some fancy depth of field action going on.

Despite having minus ball clearance with the top tube, yup standover height is -0.5" thanks to me being a shorty (5' 7"), the fit is actually spot on! 👌

Thanks to the relaxed geometry, short top tube, high stem and bars it's super comfy and not overly stretched at all. If I was any taller it would feel cramped. Can't believe this is the biggest Specialized frame you could buy at the time! It rides beautifully and everything feels rock solid. Looking forward to a proper ride very, very soon!

Now parked up back in the garage amongst the chaos! 🤪
My boy has started riding again so had a nice day out at Mountain View Bike Park. Not my cup of tea of where to ride, but happy to see my boy on his bike again.

Lots of bemused kids looking at my bike. Most thought my bike was sic which amused me!

The Hardrock was great to ride and more than capable even if we did look a little out of place! 🤣

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