'98 Scott Endorphin FINISHED ! + 1st ride pics


Hammerite it. If you like it do it properly next year. If you don't.. no real effect on sell on

Or get is blasted but not with sand. They do others less abrasive but I forget what.

Ok folks, a short update for y'all.

I've spent the last two weeks worth of tachograph breaks - around 45 mins a piece - rubbing down, smoothing out and feathering the paintwork in preparation for the Endorphin's new clothes. You see what I did there? :roll:
TBH, that's about as long as I can motivate myself for, I just keep reminding myself about how it's hopefully going to endo :facepalm: up.Here's some photos of the EndoRat as it is this morning.

I will be sorting out the original headbadge whist the frame is being painted.
I'm really hoping this is as bad as it will get.
Decided to polish the ends as I think they will look neater that painted, plus it's a positive thing to help motivation through sandpaper and wet and dry paper moments.

Thanks for looking, the next installment should be a big step in the right direction :cool:



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Re: '98 Scott Endorphin : As bad as it gets!

Joe would approve.


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Re: '98 Scott Endorphin : As bad as it gets!

The History Man":16tx2yrs said:
Joe would approve.

Nice one Mr Hist'ry :cool:

I got me an Relic'ed Endo ! :LOL:

Coomber, believe it or not, it is virtually smooth all over in those pics now, despite how it looks. Just need to smooth out the cable stops now and finish polishing up the end of the stays.

And Kaz, what can I say? Just wish it were steel, so it could be rusty! :cool:

The skin coloured filler isn't a good look IMO , so I want to cover that up :facepalm:

Trust me, it's gonna look pretty good when it's a rollin' :cool:

Not original granted , but cool nonetheless

Re: '98 Scott Endorphin : As bad as it gets!

If only we could get an update on this!

Come on Mike ;)

Hope to get some progress made at the weekend, boys and girls !
I've now got the frame back, waiting for paint to harden


So here we are, into the New Year and I have my EndoRat frame back from the painters.

Here's a little teaser for you ,

The dropouts polished up so well . . .

. . . that you can actually see my cheap camera in that photo! :shock:

So, it's a bit red, with some redness in the stickers,

And a bit of black too. Also a hint of white here and there.

Got some red tyres lined up, along with a red seat thingy and red gripshift covers, maybe. Oh , and red bouncy forks too :facepalm:

Don't think I've forgotten anything :roll:

Updates to follow . . . .



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