So...just before Christmas good news....the frame is ready. Email comes with a little snapshot of a distant frame in a poorly lit office.
It looks great, just what i far as i can see.....well its the right-ish colours in the right-ish places.
So i go and collect it.(trundle trundle..exciting)....
Its wrapped up (ooooooh)...
I dont unwrap it (twat)....
i drive home (quite a long way)....
its got issues (bugger).
Its been flagged up with photos and i got a nice apology email and call this morning. They will talk to me/ re finish it in the new year.
Very annoying as it really smacks of no quality control....or i hope it does, because the other interpretation is they think its acceptable standard...its not.
But tbh, its a bike frame, as i said annoying, but hardly the apocalypse or anything worth a heart attack over.
Im sorry, but my "f**k budget" is fully used up on things for 2023.
Merry christmas to you all.