A warm day...with a blue sky and far far less bugs than last week. Last week was disgusting....bugs in hair, nose, eyes, clothes.....urrrrgh.
Also, a good day for my first proper off road sojourn.
Blimey I've missed Tange Prestige. Last 2 years (other than the odd retro blast on 89) have been done on some good old tange db. Don't get me wrong, its fabulous tube, but the flex and zing you get from prestige is a thing of beauty.
Even the stones sound different as they bounce off the paintwork....
I've still got the stem and the pedals to do, but im really enjoying the bike. The steel post is a triumph too. Cant wait to sort out a steel stem.....got an idea for something different for that (i can see Gav looking worried all the way from here)

Pedals are in de-chome and once wired and acid bathed they can go back through the chroming process. Will take some pics of our "bucket" plant.! It looks like the worlds worst chemistry set!
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