'92 Mountain Cycle San Andreas resurrection

I'll upload a copy to the archive section.
I tried to attach a copy here but the upload does not get accepted. Might be to big for adding in a post.

Update: Also does not work in the archive section. Keeps telling me that its not a pdf even it is one.
Will try to upload from a workstation instead from a smart phone tomorrow.
Too bad that the MC FB is a private group!
Did you finally succeed at hosting the San Andreas timeline you were working on here at RB archives?
yes its there.
Awesome detective work with some cool information that I didn't knew at all. Many thanks!

Regarding the swingarm, there's the crocodile (as you call it) version with square ends, the later version with round ends and also one that I didn't found mentioned in your history document and that seems to sit in-between (can be seen in the Have It Your Way.../Have It Our Way... ad): round ends but still with "horizontal" tightening slot (the "mouth" of your crocodile) vs "vertical" in the final (production?) model (as on my bike). Any insight on this?