I have much experience with these conversions, having made many of them now.
The adapter plate you're using seems to be the other version, and it's a little too long for the purpose.
I can put you in touch with a guy who had a batch made, and that will fit perfectly. You need a rear IS to post mount 160mm adapter. These are readily available, and I usually use a branded one like Shimano. When the IS to post mount adapter is bolted on it will likely force the caliper too far outwards, and you'll need to use washers in between the Marin adapter and the IS to post mount one. I found that the lower bolt took one less washer that the upper. The rest of the adjustment you'll need can be obtained through the correct positioning of the caliper as their bolt bolts are slotted rather than round.
I have much experience with these conversions, having made many of them now.
The adapter plate you're using seems to be the other version, and it's a little too long for the purpose.
I can put you in touch with a guy who had a batch made, and that will fit perfectly. You need a rear IS to post mount 160mm adapter. These are readily available, and I usually use a branded one like Shimano. When the IS to post mount adapter is bolted on it will likely force the caliper too far outwards, and you'll need to use washers in between the Marin adapter and the IS to post mount one. I found that the lower bolt took one less washer that the upper. The rest of the adjustment you'll need can be obtained through the correct positioning of the caliper as their bolt bolts are slotted rather than round.