Marin Mount Vision Tour of Dartmoor

Looks like a lovely spot, where in the world is that?

Great trip: thanks for sharing. That’s some tough terrain. When it comes to climbing, that’s when retro bikes make more sense I think. I assume you were carrying your gear in a backpack - what did you use?

True - I guess that sort of terrain is what typified mountain biking in the 90s, trails and bikes have evolved in tandem since then.

I use an army surplus bivvy bag and tarp, together with a regular sleeping bag. It was pretty cold during the night so I had thermals and a couple of fleeces on, which worked out about right.

My kit isn't particularly lightweight or compact, and I live in fear of being either cold or hungry/thirsty, or of not having the tools I need to fix a mechanical (see the chain breakage above!).

So my full kit bag is pretty heavy and bulky and in all honesty not that much fun to lug around all day. On this ride I did about 25 miles with a day bag, then picked my overnight bag up from the car and did the last 5 miles to the camping spot.

I'm definitely not a lightweight bikepacker in spirit, don't really know how that's done without sacrificing a fair bit of comfort and self sufficiency.
FWIW total distance was about 33 miles with 4,000ft climbing, and 90% of that on rough terrain. I'd say I'm about averagely fit (never the fastest on a group ride, but not in the bottom half either), and it was definitely a bit of a push!
Ah an area and bike close to my heart, distinctly remember a ride in that area with my dad when trying to get him into mountain biking some 20 years ago. Result was a broken bottom bracket on my dads bike and cracked rib for my dad but an enjoyable day out for me. Followed shortly after by dad upgrading his bike from an apollo something or other to a gt tequesta and me from a 24inch wheel falcon fat trax to a full size (26inch wheel) gt timberline. Anyway, stunning ride, stunning bike, stunning photos.
Brilliant write up and great pics.

I really like Dartmoor and have been in and around it a few times. I did a big 50ish mile circular walk one time , over two long days, and camped on one of the high tors, behind some boulders. They are damn handy things!
Apart from a few soldiers in the distance i didn't come across another human being during that time. It was just a few ponies and me and the only regret was not packing enough food. I ate so much food on the way back home to Bournemouth!
What a great read. I like that you feel the Marin is the ideal bike for such terrain. Many of the pics bring back good memories for me. I spent a lot of time on Dartmoor in my youth; staying at the camp, while in the air cadets, and doing my D of E gold expedition there too. I did a bit of riding on Exmoor when I was younger, but only ever walking on Dartmoor. I remember the terrain well and 33 miles on a fully rigid bike would be utterly exhausting.
Ah an area and bike close to my heart, distinctly remember a ride in that area with my dad when trying to get him into mountain biking some 20 years ago. Result was a broken bottom bracket on my dads bike and cracked rib for my dad but an enjoyable day out for me. Followed shortly after by dad upgrading his bike from an apollo something or other to a gt tequesta and me from a 24inch wheel falcon fat trax to a full size (26inch wheel) gt timberline. Anyway, stunning ride, stunning bike, stunning photos.
That sounds like an awesome adventure and great memories to have! I've camped around the same area with my Dad too, he still reminds me how bloody steep the climb up to Steeperton Tor was 😂
I read all of your report and really enjoyed it. Nice bike, stunning scenery and pictures. When we tour we usually carry to much stuff, air BnB too. So respect for roughing it under a tarp.