I bought this frame a couple years ago as complete bike. It was advertised as 'kids bike'. When I collected it, a mom and her daughter sold it to me. The girl needed funds for a 'big purchase'. She told me what toy, but I do not remember. The bike had to go.
It of course is not a kids bike, but I can see why they thought it was: it is small and it is pink. What it really is, is a frame pretty similar to what Greg Herbold raced in dual slalom events. But two sizes smaller.
In 1993 the TerraRunner sat somewhere halfway the Koga mountainbike line up. It is all aluminium. Other models had the same lugs, but with carbon or titanium tubing. There was also a frame with aluminium tubing and steel tail. It is not the most fancy or most expensive, but for using the all aluminium is simply the best. Not pictured is the steel (also pink) forks.
The bike didn't have the original catalog specs when I bought it. In the early nineties Koga apparently stocked too many of these frames. In the late nineties Koga sold old stock to local bike shops. The shops sold them as frameset or specced the frames with what they had laying around and sold them as complete bike. It gave me the oppertunity to buy a '93 ValleyRunner frameset and a '93 TrailRunner frameset in the late nineties.
Miyata is Japanese. The early 90s was an era with some economic turmoil for Japan. Before the resources were plenty and everything was possible, but than the bubble burst. I think they are still recovering. By the mid nineties more frame production moved to other regions and brands like Miyata, Panasonic and Bridgestone withdrew from certain markets.
It of course is not a kids bike, but I can see why they thought it was: it is small and it is pink. What it really is, is a frame pretty similar to what Greg Herbold raced in dual slalom events. But two sizes smaller.
In 1993 the TerraRunner sat somewhere halfway the Koga mountainbike line up. It is all aluminium. Other models had the same lugs, but with carbon or titanium tubing. There was also a frame with aluminium tubing and steel tail. It is not the most fancy or most expensive, but for using the all aluminium is simply the best. Not pictured is the steel (also pink) forks.
The bike didn't have the original catalog specs when I bought it. In the early nineties Koga apparently stocked too many of these frames. In the late nineties Koga sold old stock to local bike shops. The shops sold them as frameset or specced the frames with what they had laying around and sold them as complete bike. It gave me the oppertunity to buy a '93 ValleyRunner frameset and a '93 TrailRunner frameset in the late nineties.
Miyata is Japanese. The early 90s was an era with some economic turmoil for Japan. Before the resources were plenty and everything was possible, but than the bubble burst. I think they are still recovering. By the mid nineties more frame production moved to other regions and brands like Miyata, Panasonic and Bridgestone withdrew from certain markets.