1993 Brodie Catalyst

Unfortunately, that is the internet. Paul has a group of very loyal (rabid?) followers. I think that a customer has every right to return a product if it doesn't meet their expectations, however exalted the craftsperson. I wonder if Paul has a red stem for sale now... Would it's worth increase, now that its alignment has been famously corrected?
The paint is crap and not worth keeping.
Unfortunately, that is the internet. Paul has a group of very loyal (rabid?) followers. I think that a customer has every right to return a product if it doesn't meet their expectations, however exalted the craftsperson. I wonder if Paul has a red stem for sale now... Would it's worth increase, now that its alignment has been famously corrected?
Now now. Rabid? Come on.

Alex had a (minor) point. Did Paul need to make a video on it? Maybe. Maybe not.

Let's remember the context of Paul's health, heritage and skill.

His question is absolutely valid. What is an acceptable tolerance?
First I saw this was the video, fair play to Paul for making the video.

The rattlecan paintjob on that fillet brazed stem was far more shameful though tbf.
The new stem.



I decided to buy local.
31.8mm single bolt clamp for sleek looks and high rise bar compatibility.
The silver cap is a plate of stainless steel held in place by two magnets.
The steerer clamp bolt is hidden inside and cannot be replaced, as far as I can tell.